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[League] November 2019

Event Deck By

1 Card icon for Edict of Makkar Edict of Makkar x1 1 Card icon for Harbinger's Bite Harbinger's Bite x1 1 Card icon for Jibbering Jackal Jibbering Jackal x1 1 Card icon for Lunging Wisp Lunging Wisp x1 1 Card icon for Meditation Meditation x1 1 Card icon for Nahid's Faithful Nahid's Faithful x1 1 Card icon for Pathlighter Pathlighter x1 1 Card icon for Prancing Gryffyn Prancing Gryffyn x1 1 Card icon for Shiver Shiver x1 1 Card icon for Steadfast Deputy Steadfast Deputy x1 1 Card icon for Tock Tick Tock Tick x1 1 Card icon for Training Ground Training Ground x1 1 Card icon for Weather the Storm Weather the Storm x1 1 Card icon for Xultan Brushfang Xultan Brushfang x1 2 Card icon for Argenport Stranger Argenport Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Ark of Sol Ark of Sol x1 2 Card icon for Chant to Grodov Chant to Grodov x1 2 Card icon for Desperate Gambit Desperate Gambit x1 2 Card icon for Eloz's Elite Eloz's Elite x1 2 Card icon for Fervent Siphoner Fervent Siphoner x2 2 Card icon for Herald's Song Herald's Song x1 2 Card icon for Huddle Together Huddle Together x1 2 Card icon for Immortalize Immortalize x1 2 Card icon for Kodosh Evangel Kodosh Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Linrei Evangel Linrei Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Makkar Evangel Makkar Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Nahid's Choice Nahid's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Obsidian Golem Obsidian Golem x1 2 Card icon for Parul's Choice Parul's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Pokpok's Slingshot Pokpok's Slingshot x1 2 Card icon for Portent Reader Portent Reader x1 2 Card icon for Rebuke Rebuke x1 2 Card icon for Reconnaissance Reconnaissance x1 2 Card icon for Scare Scare x1 2 Card icon for Shavka Evangel Shavka Evangel x2 2 Card icon for Skywatch Zealot Skywatch Zealot x1 2 Card icon for Sol's Fury Sol's Fury x2 2 Card icon for Unmake Unmake x1 2 Card icon for Varret, Hero-in-Training Varret, Hero-in-Training x1 2 Card icon for Wanderlust Qirin Wanderlust Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Warbrush Oni Warbrush Oni x1 2 Card icon for Xultan Paladin Xultan Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Gryffyn Rider Yeti Gryffyn Rider x1 3 Card icon for Amber Ring Amber Ring x1 3 Card icon for Blackguard Sidearm Blackguard Sidearm x1 3 Card icon for Calamity Oracle Calamity Oracle x1 3 Card icon for Crowd Queller Crowd Queller x1 3 Card icon for Cruelty Cruelty x2 3 Card icon for Disciplined Amanera Disciplined Amanera x1 3 Card icon for Dispel Dispel x1 3 Card icon for Extract Extract x1 3 Card icon for Gaudy Showman Gaudy Showman x1 3 Card icon for Gravetender Gravetender x1 3 Card icon for Hexcaster Hexcaster x1 3 Card icon for Icebow Icebow x1 3 Card icon for Journeyman Armorer Journeyman Armorer x1 3 Card icon for Manufacture Manufacture x1 3 Card icon for Misery Walker Misery Walker x1 3 Card icon for Proselytize Proselytize x2 3 Card icon for Rainfall Accord Rainfall Accord x1 3 Card icon for Razorwire Totemite Razorwire Totemite x1 3 Card icon for Seasoned Drillmaster Seasoned Drillmaster x1 3 Card icon for Skeeter Skeeter x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Spellshield Architect Spellshield Architect x1 3 Card icon for Sunset Priest Sunset Priest x1 3 Card icon for Surgeon's Saw Surgeon's Saw x1 3 Card icon for Swaying Sea Qirin Swaying Sea Qirin x1 3 Card icon for Thunderclaw Raven Thunderclaw Raven x1 3 Card icon for Wilderness Refuge Wilderness Refuge x1 4 Card icon for Battleblur Centaur Battleblur Centaur x1 4 Card icon for Clan Wallbreaker Clan Wallbreaker x1 4 Card icon for Cleansing Rain Cleansing Rain x1 4 Card icon for Corrupted Umbren Corrupted Umbren x1 4 Card icon for Cult Recruiter Cult Recruiter x1 4 Card icon for Gathering Lights Gathering Lights x2 4 Card icon for Hunter's Harpoon Hunter's Harpoon x1 4 Card icon for Mistrust Mistrust x1 4 Card icon for Outlands Brute Outlands Brute x1 4 Card icon for Recogulator Recogulator x1 4 Card icon for Reverberating Strike Reverberating Strike x1 4 Card icon for Shelterwing Rider Shelterwing Rider x1 4 Card icon for Sheriff's Hat Sheriff's Hat x1 4 Card icon for Shield Bash Shield Bash x1 4 Card icon for Steward of Prophecy Steward of Prophecy x1 4 Card icon for Thunderhoof Warrior Thunderhoof Warrior x1 4 Card icon for Vile Varmint Vile Varmint x1 4 Card icon for Warhorn Warhorn x1 4 Card icon for Yeti Traditionalist Yeti Traditionalist x1 5 Card icon for Downfall Downfall x1 5 Card icon for Fiery Fissure Fiery Fissure x1 5 Card icon for Greenstretch Empath Greenstretch Empath x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Warrior Jotun Warrior x1 5 Card icon for Longtail Cavalry Longtail Cavalry x1 5 Card icon for Marsh Dragon Marsh Dragon x1 5 Card icon for Pensive Lumen Pensive Lumen x1 5 Card icon for Rampart Arbalest Rampart Arbalest x1 5 Card icon for Time Weaver Time Weaver x1 6 Card icon for Aerialist's Khopesh Aerialist's Khopesh x1 6 Card icon for Cinder Dragon Cinder Dragon x1 6 Card icon for Felrauk the Outcast Felrauk the Outcast x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Ironfist Archon Ironfist Archon x1 6 Card icon for Lumen Shepherd Lumen Shepherd x1 6 Card icon for Prosecutor-at-Arms Prosecutor-at-Arms x1 7 Card icon for Enraged Araktodon Enraged Araktodon x1 7 Card icon for Sleepless Night Sleepless Night x1 7 Card icon for Topaz Drake Topaz Drake x1 8 Card icon for Realitybreaker Realitybreaker x1 Card icon for Amethyst Monument Amethyst Monument x1 Card icon for Emblem of Linrei Emblem of Linrei x1 Card icon for Praxis Banner Praxis Banner x1 Card icon for Sacred Seal Sacred Seal x1 Card icon for Skycrag Insignia Skycrag Insignia x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors
November 1-30, 2019
The next sealed league


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 3 3

Power Sources
2 1 2 1 2 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
80 30 8 2

Card Types
65 14 36 0 5


November 8, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



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