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Mill got a new card

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Silverblade Menance is a really big gift to mill archetype. It helps in both aggro and control matchups greatly, and it just helps in all matchups but those are two mill struggled with. For aggro the life drain and flier to block 4/2 dragons is game changing. For going against control, it gives you immediate face damage which is so needed for pushing towards victory, and it performs greatly when that face damage destroys a weapon.

This list was taken from another deck list and enhanced both pre and post Spire. I want to like/love Felrauk the Outcast but it's an insanely bad card lol. It's both super inconsistent and underwhelming. It probably won me 1 game while losing me 10. I left 1 in just to maybe help against the mirror match but even then it's not that great there, I would take it out or not craft it at all. What's more important is that you discard cards and play to tempo.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
15 18 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
15 19 29 4

Card Types
31 6 18 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


May 6, 2020

May 5, 2020


Eternal Version
Shadow of the Spire

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) May 6, 2020



Devaco Eternal Version: 20.06.17
updated yet?
snekyboots Edited Eternal Version: 20.05.06
Shouldn't there be Transpose for market access? Am I missing something?
Raven333 Eternal Version: 20.05.06
There was a market as you can see but I took out Transpose yet the market is still there, I should take that out as cards like Damara, Deft Saboteur could take those cards. As for Transpose/market, I did not find it useful much pre-spire. Post spire this is even more true thanks to Turn to Seed since most times I hit market was to just fish for removal anyway.
NeroMcBrain Edited Eternal Version: 20.05.05
Where are your Blight Pass Smugglers?
Raven333 Eternal Version: 20.05.05
Wish I could play it but I only have been playing expedition to avoid all the baby varas and such.
moriok Eternal Version: 20.05.04
How has this played on ladder?
Raven333 Eternal Version: 20.05.05
Not well at first, but then got better with a more mid-range list. gonna update the list soon