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League pool 11/2019

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
1 Card icon for Ardent Convert Ardent Convert x1 1 Card icon for Draw Strength Draw Strength x2 1 Card icon for Entrancer Entrancer x1 1 Card icon for Faceless One Faceless One x2 1 Card icon for Gift of Battle Gift of Battle x1 1 Card icon for Harbinger's Bite Harbinger's Bite x1 1 Card icon for Inflict Conscience Inflict Conscience x2 1 Card icon for Jack's Knife Jack's Knife x1 1 Card icon for Light 'em Up Light 'em Up x1 1 Card icon for Mettle Mettle x1 1 Card icon for Prancing Gryffyn Prancing Gryffyn x2 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x1 1 Card icon for Savage Denial Savage Denial x1 1 Card icon for Spire Spellsword Spire Spellsword x1 1 Card icon for Weather the Storm Weather the Storm x1 1 Card icon for Xultan Brushfang Xultan Brushfang x2 2 Card icon for Acclaimed Artisan Acclaimed Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Backlash Backlash x1 2 Card icon for Bold Adventurer Bold Adventurer x1 2 Card icon for Chant to Grodov Chant to Grodov x1 2 Card icon for Consuming Flames Consuming Flames x1 2 Card icon for Eloz's Choice Eloz's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Factory Quota Factory Quota x1 2 Card icon for Feln Stranger Feln Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Fervent Siphoner Fervent Siphoner x1 2 Card icon for Geminon's Choice Geminon's Choice x2 2 Card icon for Grodov Evangel Grodov Evangel x2 2 Card icon for High Prophet of Sol High Prophet of Sol x1 2 Card icon for Malaise Malaise x1 2 Card icon for Mating Call Mating Call x1 2 Card icon for Noble Firemane Noble Firemane x1 2 Card icon for Numbing Cold Numbing Cold x2 2 Card icon for Piercing Shot Piercing Shot x1 2 Card icon for Skycrag Stranger Skycrag Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Spiketail Qirin Spiketail Qirin x2 2 Card icon for Stand Strong Stand Strong x1 2 Card icon for Tinker Tinker x1 2 Card icon for Trail Runner Trail Runner x1 2 Card icon for Twinning Ritual Twinning Ritual x1 2 Card icon for Voprex's Choice Voprex's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Wizened Crone Wizened Crone x1 2 Card icon for Xenan Stranger Xenan Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Xultan Paladin Xultan Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Gryffyn Rider Yeti Gryffyn Rider x1 3 Card icon for Amethyst Ring Amethyst Ring x2 3 Card icon for Avirax Familiar Avirax Familiar x1 3 Card icon for Banished Umbren Banished Umbren x1 3 Card icon for Blackguard Sidearm Blackguard Sidearm x1 3 Card icon for Bloodletter Bloodletter x1 3 Card icon for Blood-Sun Staff Blood-Sun Staff x1 3 Card icon for Copperhall Shieldman Copperhall Shieldman x1 3 Card icon for Crunch, the Hoarder Crunch, the Hoarder x1 3 Card icon for Daggerclaw Howler Daggerclaw Howler x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Deft Strike Deft Strike x1 3 Card icon for Makkar's Bloodwolf Makkar's Bloodwolf x2 3 Card icon for Misery Walker Misery Walker x2 3 Card icon for Rainfall Accord Rainfall Accord x1 3 Card icon for Razorwire Totemite Razorwire Totemite x1 3 Card icon for Reinforced Baton Reinforced Baton x1 3 Card icon for Sparkbot Sparkbot x1 3 Card icon for Sporebreath Sporebreath x1 3 Card icon for Storm of Feathers Storm of Feathers x1 3 Card icon for Stormcrasher Stormcrasher x1 3 Card icon for Sunset Priest Sunset Priest x1 3 Card icon for Swaying Sea Qirin Swaying Sea Qirin x1 3 Card icon for Thunderclaw Raven Thunderclaw Raven x1 3 Card icon for Torture Torture x1 3 Card icon for Vodakhan's Staff Vodakhan's Staff x1 3 Card icon for Watchful Amanera Watchful Amanera x1 3 Card icon for Wilderness Refuge Wilderness Refuge x2 4 Card icon for Cleansing Rain Cleansing Rain x1 4 Card icon for Conspicuous Traveler Conspicuous Traveler x1 4 Card icon for Dread Hellkite Dread Hellkite x1 4 Card icon for Fearstoker Raven Fearstoker Raven x2 4 Card icon for Gatekeeper's Halberd Gatekeeper's Halberd x1 4 Card icon for Gravemarker Oni Gravemarker Oni x1 4 Card icon for Holdup Holdup x1 4 Card icon for Inspired Prank Inspired Prank x1 4 Card icon for Jotun Cyclops Jotun Cyclops x1 4 Card icon for Relentless Combatant Relentless Combatant x1 4 Card icon for Rent Seeker Rent Seeker x1 4 Card icon for Ridgeline Watcher Ridgeline Watcher x1 4 Card icon for Scavenging Spikeback Scavenging Spikeback x1 4 Card icon for Shield Bash Shield Bash x1 4 Card icon for Stalwart Shield Stalwart Shield x1 4 Card icon for Valkyrie Militant Valkyrie Militant x1 4 Card icon for Yeti Traditionalist Yeti Traditionalist x1 5 Card icon for Dramatic Exit Dramatic Exit x1 5 Card icon for Fiery Fissure Fiery Fissure x1 5 Card icon for Flamekeeper Flamekeeper x1 5 Card icon for Ila & Mizo Ila & Mizo x1 5 Card icon for Knight of Sorrow Knight of Sorrow x1 5 Card icon for Lethrai Bladewhirl Lethrai Bladewhirl x1 5 Card icon for Living Mountain Living Mountain x1 5 Card icon for Marsh Dragon Marsh Dragon x1 5 Card icon for Pensive Lumen Pensive Lumen x1 5 Card icon for Rolant's Choice Rolant's Choice x1 6 Card icon for Cannonbearer Cannonbearer x1 6 Card icon for Horngrinder Horngrinder x1 6 Card icon for North-Wind Herald North-Wind Herald x1 7 Card icon for Core Scavenger Core Scavenger x1 7 Card icon for Siraf's Choice Siraf's Choice x1 8 Card icon for Belching Behemoth Belching Behemoth x1 Card icon for Rakano Banner Rakano Banner x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors
November 1-30, 2019
The next sealed league


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 1 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
79 30 10

Card Types
65 18 35 0 1


November 9, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



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