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Bant Miracle Grow (Rank 2 Masters)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is the deck I got to rank 2 last season. It’s mostly unchanged from 5 years ago when this was the best deck. The win rate with this is insane, and I almost don’t want to post it because I haven’t seen anyone else at all playing it. Anyway comment if you have any suggestions for it.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 1

Power Sources
11 15 9 14 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 27 28 1

Card Types
25 1 29 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


January 1, 2025


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

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hellastoops Eternal Version: 24.10.02
Any consideration for augur? It's a two-cost Alessi that has the added bonus of getting around opponent's aegis
Jaklbye Eternal Version: 24.10.02
The two cost is a lot but I also haven’t tried it. The bonus against age is is ver minimal as I find that I can get around ageis in other ways or I have already lost
Paulo Eternal Version: 24.10.02
And most spells there is for your own units. Only Amri Choice and Phase Out have reasons to be played on enemy units, but not often.
ReflectingMyDescent Eternal Version: 24.10.02
Sadly I despise 3F decks and won't play it but it looks interesting for sure. Also the fact that it's almost unchanged from years ago!
What is it's hardest matchup though?
Jaklbye Eternal Version: 24.10.02
It loses to itself more than an enemy. Tocas that SOB shuts down the deck entirely and the number 1 player always runs him. The green 2/3 that slows down all my spells also sucks, but for the most part the deck is bigger than other aggro decks and faster than most control decks. If you try it out please tell me how it works and what other cards you try.
Serus Eternal Version: 24.10.02
Mr. Tacos strikes again
ReflectingMyDescent Eternal Version: 24.10.02
Thanks for ur reply. The Deck is very cheap and I think anyone could build it. Would you mind writing down a detailed guide on how to play it? What cards to keep in starting hand, good synergys etc.?
Jaklbye Eternal Version: 24.10.02
Yes I can get more of a guide soon
Paulo Eternal Version: 24.10.02
I tried it a couple of times since last week and it was quite interesting. The times I won was being as agressive as possible growing the units after attacking. Rilgon's Disciple and Hojan can get very strong during the attack, what's good to use with the unblocked units.