A combo deck built around
Nacas, Bastion Prodigy, and
Growth Spurt. With at least six power, play both Overloader and Nacas, and play Growth Spurt on Nacas, amplifying twice. You’ll get four power back and another Growth Spurt to repeat the process ad infinitum. Continue until you have the right mix of charge, killer, overwhelm, unblockable, double damage, etc. and a large enough Nacas to win the game!
A neat trick: Blazing Salvo can also be played on Nacas as above to start the combo if you haven’t gotten Growth Spurt out of the market yet.
The rest of the deck is a soldiers theme aggressive deck. This is because Dovin can help find Nacas, and Argo’s Technique can help support the combo by negating interaction or helping go off with only five power. Thus, playing a soldiers deck helps these two be consistently good. The soldier cards themselves were chosen for value and to be good individually.