I'm sure the deck probably isn't 100% correct, but it's doing good things in getting me up from the mid-200s up to rank #121.
It's built off of JockeD's list from last tournament, and partially-based off of DeeDub's list that I guessed at after playing him.
It's doing pretty well against FTS Sac and Praxis Jekk lists. Would love some feedback or other ideas.
1. Cozin Darkheart as a one-of: I can see the potential value of her, especially being able to withstand Jekk. However, you are only running six dragons (two different types), making it unlikely that you would see more than one use out of her, assuming she is drawn at all.
2. Shen-Ra, Unbreakable is not on your list, which surprises me. It seems like she would be an excellent fit.
Beyond that, I just have one question.
1. I notice that you are running six Fire Sigils and 3 Seek Powers. With Jekk, do you prefer to use Seek Power and hold the sigil, or do you prefer to maintain your curve and decimates from emblems?
Good job with the deck, and thank you if you respond!