The deck you use for speedrunning Throne :D
Updated slightly. Oldie but goodie. Take them to Value Town.
Powers: I've beaten opponents with 3 power, but 5 is optimal. Enough for you to hold a Fearless Crescendo and use one of the 3 fast spells in the market. You want to thin your deck out as best as you can. Scouts, Treasure Troves, and Vows to throw them away. And your Crownwatch Standards become spells, which is the point of the deck. I don't mind a few depleted powers because you generally want to have a protection spell when you play a unit.
Units: All units that grow substantially. Hojan to thin power out and lifesteal. Envoy and Kira used solely for card draw, which is paramount. Everyone grows. 8 marketing cards.
Spells: 6 cheap overwhelms, flying market, aegis completely necessary. Spells that buff 2 units still trigger renown and Envoy's/Kira's drawing abilities simultaneously, so I added Silverblade Intrusion.
Market: The first thing you should bring out if you can help it, is Orene's Scepter. Gives Aegis to everything you play. And if you hit 9 power, hit that ult immediately. Opponent screwed. Although, most times I have played, I have already gone wide and need Stand Together first. Display for mass relic kill. Edict to buy you an extra turn from a wipe or anything. Pristine Light is the best board wipe for this deck. Always attack first and then use it. You get back ALL your units that died. All of yours cost 1,2 or 3. Bring them all right back out. Value Town. Finally you have Stand Together for mass aegis.
Simply power through to their face. Destroy relic-lovers with this. Amplified Gavels Insight to destroy all relics as well as the market card. Against aggro decks, you're growing. They are not. So delay trading early and take face hits if you know next turn you can hit them for 20+ and some lifesteal. You have tricks for days. Mass Aegis against control decks.
The things you can customize:
Powers: You can also use Justice Symbols to amplify Kira and Silverblade Intrusion, I just don't like too many depleted powers. There are also Justice Sketches which would come in clutch with a Research Lab. But Hojan is playing a Justice sigil, and Combrei Vows are throwing Sigils. Tough to decide. I just stick with active powers to rush better. YOU KNOW HOW THIS GAME GOES: WHEN YOU NEEDED IT, YOU DIDN'T HAVE IT. WHEN YOU GOT IT, IT'S NOT WHAT YOU NEEDED. Just balance for the most common scenarios.
Spells: Since spells that buff 2 units trigger both renown and card-drawing effects of Kira/Envoy, I think No One Left Behind would also be a good fit. I am only torn between that or Finest Hour, and Kira would love to keep +3/+3 instead of +1/+1. But I don't know, I may change that. Or they can replace Silverblade Intrusion.
Units: If you used a Desperate Courier, you could have a 1 cost plunder unit and all fast spells cost one less on the opponents turn. I just can't find myself replacing these perfectly tuned units.