The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
A rough translation:
This is a deck built around hunting. The main idea is to focus on The Seedtender and Quinn, Beast Heart as the core, with Omniscience as the engine, and continuously use the low cost cards to make The Seedtender stronger and pressure the enemy.
Early Hojan, Crownbreaker and Ranger Prodigy can provide additional help. You have high quality and low cost fast spells to block the enemy's offensive or develop your own.
When your reach 4 ~ 5 power, you should try and get Omniscience in time to refuel. If your influence is insufficient, you have Master's Lesson as an alternative. Crafty Infiltration is another tool to get units fast and keep up tempo.
When you have enough cards, leave the vast majority of spells to The Seedtender, and pay attention to keep interaction to prevent opponents from eliminating your units. Lethrai Marauder can enable hunting by discarding the excess cards in hand while eliminating threats.
Once your units are large enough or have strong combat skills, you can launch a counterattack.
This is a deck built around hunting. The main idea is to focus on The Seedtender and Quinn, Beast Heart as the core, with Omniscience as the engine, and continuously use the low cost cards to make The Seedtender stronger and pressure the enemy.
Early Hojan, Crownbreaker and Ranger Prodigy can provide additional help. You have high quality and low cost fast spells to block the enemy's offensive or develop your own.
When your reach 4 ~ 5 power, you should try and get Omniscience in time to refuel. If your influence is insufficient, you have Master's Lesson as an alternative. Crafty Infiltration is another tool to get units fast and keep up tempo.
When you have enough cards, leave the vast majority of spells to The Seedtender, and pay attention to keep interaction to prevent opponents from eliminating your units. Lethrai Marauder can enable hunting by discarding the excess cards in hand while eliminating threats.
Once your units are large enough or have strong combat skills, you can launch a counterattack.
They also said Lethrai Marauder is for giving Killer instead of Hunting.