This deck tries to run the opponent down quickly, paying life at every opportunity to get an advantage. Most of the deck can be played with just one S influence, so we get to enjoy playing with factionless power cards.
Rift Siphon is a super strong spell that can make our swarm of little creatures get out of control very quickly. It also grows our Bloodseekers and makes them into lethal late-game threats. Another little combo is Varret + Jack's Knife, Which can level up Varret in a single attack.
There's a lot of singleton cards, and I picked them mainly because I think they're strong when you draw 1 but weak in multiples. Still, I admit I keep messing with the numbers. I put in some lifegain options in the 4 mana slot because you run the risk of dying to your own cards. There are >20 cards in the deck that chip away at your own life total, so a big lifesteal swing in the late game can be extremely important.
I'd recommend this deck to someone who wants to advance on the ladder.