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Oni Fans

Throne Deck By


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Oni Quartermaster is huge. This used to be a slightly more aggro deck but after putting this guy in I'm a convert. Card draw is king and really makes the deck shine. His card draw is procced not only by the weapon cards you play, but also by the weapon Jishu, the Burning Brush plays on any unit you play while she's on the board, the weapon played by Akko, Inspired Artist's 1 point mastery, and the weapons played on your other units by Forgemark Scrivener's 2 and 6 point masteries. If you play your cards right, you'll have a lot more cards to play with.

Jishu, the Burning Brush can pull any type of weapon from the deck, and Hanaka, Loremaster any relic or versatile weapon, depending on your needs. It's basically a weapons market, this is the reason for the 1-of weapons. There are other useful ones to tech in as 1-ofs if the meta dictates it, I'll put a few in the sideboard, but it's not an exhaustive list. Look through your collection for any other useful ones which address problems you're having.

Camrin's Sniper Rifle activates mastery on Akko, Inspired Artist, Forgemark Scrivener, Hanaka, Loremaster, and Acclaimed Artisan.

Play Press the Advantage from the market when 2+ Oni hit your opponent's face. Prioritize Akko, Inspired Artist, Forgemark Scrivener, or Oni Quartermaster.

Once Akko, Inspired Artist hits mastery 9, Steelfang Glaive is the top priority weapon to pull from the deck as both copies will get the bonus and be 6/3 with Overwhelm.

Bladesmash costs only 1 power if 2+ of your units have weapons. Never pay 3 to play it unless it's an emergency.

Forgemark Scrivener is the unsung hero of the deck, I can't believe this guy is common, he should be legendary. Opponents often underestimate him and waste removal on other units. Prioritize dropping him asap, he can buff units played next turn when he attacks.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
12 12 7 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
14 19 29 12 4

Card Types
31 13 11 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Awakening [Set1095]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]
Separate Ways [Set1155]


February 13, 2025

March 30, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

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Revisions (Since last major patch) February 3, 2025



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