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Time for some... Ice Queen? (I'll see myself out)

Throne Deck By
Team Not-Tavrod


Cost Curve




Hey all. If you're reading this, I should apologize for the horrendous title you just witnessed. My fault entirely. In my defense it is currently 2am and I spent all day making and testing this deck. Anywho, now that you're done groaning a short descripto follows with some card explanations after the turns explanation:

If you ever wanted to witness what an Ice Queen would look like when tossed into the desert, well look no further than this deck. And if you didnt... Well, now you know. Swinging them big ones and annoying the opponent into oblivion with multiple perma's, stuns

Early game (Turns 1-4): This deck has enough of an early game to stop most aggro decks by at least turn 3/4. The benefit of Awakened Student into Combrei Healer are absolutely phenomenal for blocking any early game the opponent can throw at you. The only way they could go through to face is when they are forced to use their pump spells which results in a bit of a tempo advantage for you as they were forced to 1 for 2 you.
Ideally, the targets you want to pick for Healers +3 are Awakened Student for a fat and forever increasing butt, Darude for that sweet 5/9 or the healer itself if you absolutely need to. Aniyah is a meh target to pick for +3 because it doesn't trigger her Renown and you've got other things you wanna renown the Ice Queen with. Once that's done, turn 4 (or whenever really, you know how good this card is) Sandstorm Titan is a big threat for any aggro decks to counter.

Mid game (Turns 5 and onwards): So this is where the deck shines. With annoying units like Svetya stopping the use of spells and weapons and Aniyah freezing the opponents big units, there's alot you can do to counteract much of the meta that's currently going on. I've even slotted in 2 Avigraft so that you can (potentially, mind you. There's only 2) take advantage of the 4/4 Merchant. Yes, cursed relics boost up your merchant to a nice and juicy 4/4.

Card Explanations:
Now... Why did I use cards such as Awakened Student and Combrei Healer instead of Alessi, Hojan, or whichever other meta-rotating 3-cost card?
Because of the all aggro I ran into. Specifically, because of all the Rakano Aggro and its variations I ran into.
Due to all the stuns (there's 7. 4 Aniyah's and 3 Permafrosts. Not counting Mirror Images) the deck wants to wait until its big units like Darude and Moonstone Vanguard are out before it begins to swing. Swinging early does help, but you're not going to do much with 2 (or 3) damage on turn 3. Hence, defensive units that ramp into big ones were needed.

Sandstorm and Moonstone - If you're playing with Time, you need some Titans. At least, that's what I've been told... Influence costs kinda kept me on the fence but it seems to work out. The incidental card draw from Moonstone helps too. And you all know how good Darude is so I won't explain that one.

The Ice Queen - Ideally, she's a turn 6 play with a fast spell in hand or an "Oh-Shi!" button that freezes whatever unit they just put out. So far, I've saved her in hand to use when an opponent puts a blocker out, an annoying deadly unit, or a big unit like Vara. And yes, it's ok to use Aniyah on Vara, you guys... It's not the end of the world if the aegis is gone.

I know there's more I wanted to talk about but this is big enough. If you've stayed this long, thank you for reading.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 3

Power Sources
14 14 15 18

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Deck Rarities
14 20 26 4 9

Card Types
29 9 17 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


February 15, 2019


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