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Hornstoker Returns

Throne Deck By


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With so much control in the meta, it's time to stoke some horns. This is a Combo Midrange deck that relies on the synergies between Flamestoker, Dawnwalker, and Shepherd's Horn.

Your early game is spent deploying your Shepherd's Horns and killing small units with Torch and Purify until you can land a Sandstorm Titan.
Midgame plays like regular Praxis Midrange, slinging back to back Heart of the Vaults and Worldbearers to overload their removal, and reloading with Friendly Wisps when possible. Shepherd's Horn helps you maintain tempo by giving you discounted threats and gaining you life to win races. Obliterate deals with most threats and is a pretty good deal when it costs 4 and gains you 3 life. Killer Dawnwalker is also a powerful engine that wins games singlehandedly.
Lategame you'll be gaining 3 life per turn for every Horn or Flamestoker you have. If you have Dawnwalkers around they'll trigger Horn too, gaining you truly absurd amounts of life. Xenan Obelisk should let your Infernuses punch through large opposing units.

Good matchups: hard control decks fold to Flamestoker and have a hard time dealing with Dawnwalker.
Medium matchups: Aggro matchups are of course a coin flip. If you can deal with two of their early units and can gain 6 life off a Horn you should be in good shape. If you're on the draw you will probably lose.
Bad matchups: Midrange decks with better card quality that aren't playing useless relics will run you over before you can assemble your synergies. Anybody playing Sabotage is also very bad news for us as it hits a good portion of our deck.

This deck was an absolute blast to play in set 2 and has a surprising range of strategies it can use. I think that this is a meta in which it can perform very well.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
15 22 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 17 19 16

Card Types
22 11 17 0 25


March 21, 2018


Eternal Version
Dead Reckoning

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) March 21, 2018



Shoogoo Eternal Version: 1.29
Thanks for this list. Already won 3 games in a row!

Do you think this deck would work in gauntlet?
Hexadecagon Eternal Version: 1.29
Glad you had some success with the deck!
Knowing gauntlet, I would say no. This deck doesn't have any kind of board clear or other way of dealing with the wide strategies that gauntlet AI tends to use. And when the AI does go tall, you might not be able to remove their units with Obliterate or Torches. That said, traditional Praxis tends to do pretty well against the Gauntlet, so you can certainly do worse than this list. And after all, the point of Gauntlet is to have fun, right?