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• 150 Ways to Discard •

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




To call this a Black Iron Manacles deck is an understatement.

••• I'm Aegis. My favorite part of Eternal is pushing deck limits and creative deck building. I tend to focus on 150 card decks, most of which are 5 faction, just because it's fun. I don't play ranked often and mainly test my decks in Gauntlet masters but I always try to build as competitively as possible.•••

Welcome to the discard deck that has a completly ridiculous lategame discard engine. Brenn, Chronicler of Ages, Ancient of the Ice Caves and Azindel, the Wayfinder are the core of this deck. You want a stupid amount of power to work with and an unanswered Brenn or Azindel is the best option. Not to mention they retain their power buffs even if killed so replaying them from the void keeps you going. Most other units in the deck serve as defense ontop of your 4 Lightning Storm and 4 Hailstorm. Azindel dosen't die to any of your storms which makes his power ramping ability amazing vs anything that does die to storms.

With Memento Mori for influence fixing and Awaken the Ages / A New Tomorrow for insane ramp, there is some consistancy among chaos. You'll want to ramp as your focus against control decks and vs anything faster, Rise to the Challenge a Sandstorm Titan usually works out along with the help of Stonepowder Alchemist.

✓ Supid max power aquired
Black Iron Manacles in play
Ancient of the Ice Caves on board
✓ Cycle like crazy and summon Ancients from the grave to activate them again
✓ Watch your opponent take 32+ damage or they just deck out


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 2 2 2

Power Sources
16 23 8 13 22 32

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
32 31 53 8 17

Card Types
48 7 50 0 50

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


February 5, 2019

January 26, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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