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Burning Hope League Pool

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
0 Card icon for Borrowed Violence Borrowed Violence x1 0 Card icon for Endure Endure x2 0 Card icon for Melt Down Melt Down x1 0 Card icon for Steely Resolve Steely Resolve x1 0 Card icon for Unearth the Past Unearth the Past x1 1 Card icon for Be Gone Be Gone x1 1 Card icon for Bloodcall Invocation Bloodcall Invocation x2 1 Card icon for Crownwatch Squire Crownwatch Squire x2 1 Card icon for Dark Return Dark Return x1 1 Card icon for Firemane Cub Firemane Cub x1 1 Card icon for Gift of Battle Gift of Battle x1 1 Card icon for Grenadin Drone Grenadin Drone x1 1 Card icon for Harbinger's Bite Harbinger's Bite x1 1 Card icon for Jibbering Jackal Jibbering Jackal x1 1 Card icon for Mischief Yeti Mischief Yeti x1 1 Card icon for Oni Samurai Oni Samurai x1 1 Card icon for Rat Cage Rat Cage x1 1 Card icon for Scorpion Scorpion x1 1 Card icon for Secret Passage Secret Passage x1 1 Card icon for Seek Power Seek Power x1 1 Card icon for Swear Vengeance Swear Vengeance x1 1 Card icon for Ticking Grenadin Ticking Grenadin x1 1 Card icon for Unmoored Valkyrie Unmoored Valkyrie x1 1 Card icon for Urn of Choking Embers Urn of Choking Embers x2 1 Card icon for Worn Shield Worn Shield x1 2 Card icon for Ankle Cutter Ankle Cutter x1 2 Card icon for Auric Bully Auric Bully x1 2 Card icon for Bazaar Trickster Bazaar Trickster x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Longsword Crownwatch Longsword x2 2 Card icon for Curator's Spear Curator's Spear x1 2 Card icon for Dark Wisp Dark Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Dragonbreath Dragonbreath x1 2 Card icon for Dusk Raider Dusk Raider x1 2 Card icon for Elysian Stranger Elysian Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Eye of Winter Eye of Winter x1 2 Card icon for Fall Short Fall Short x1 2 Card icon for Feln Stranger Feln Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Flamefang Charmer Flamefang Charmer x1 2 Card icon for Kaleb's Choice Kaleb's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Kosul Huntsman Kosul Huntsman x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Hideaway Lethrai Hideaway x1 2 Card icon for Locust Locust x1 2 Card icon for Lost Scroll Lost Scroll x1 2 Card icon for Master Cartographer Master Cartographer x1 2 Card icon for Master-at-Arms Master-at-Arms x1 2 Card icon for Mob Rule Mob Rule x1 2 Card icon for Oni Forgemaster Oni Forgemaster x1 2 Card icon for Petition Petition x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Stranger Rakano Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Rampage Rampage x1 2 Card icon for Skycrag Stranger Skycrag Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Smith's Hammer Smith's Hammer x1 2 Card icon for Sustaining Harp Sustaining Harp x1 2 Card icon for Teleport Teleport x1 2 Card icon for Territorial Elf Territorial Elf x1 2 Card icon for Trail Runner Trail Runner x1 2 Card icon for Trailblaze Trailblaze x1 2 Card icon for Treachery Treachery x1 2 Card icon for Vapor Hut Vapor Hut x1 2 Card icon for Workshop Tinker Workshop Tinker x1 2 Card icon for Xenan Stranger Xenan Stranger x1 3 Card icon for Amber Acolyte Amber Acolyte x2 3 Card icon for Banished Umbren Banished Umbren x1 3 Card icon for Bleak Basin Guide Bleak Basin Guide x1 3 Card icon for Carnivorous Sauropod Carnivorous Sauropod x1 3 Card icon for Daggerclaw Howler Daggerclaw Howler x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Disciplined Amanera Disciplined Amanera x1 3 Card icon for Dune Phantom Dune Phantom x1 3 Card icon for Execute Execute x1 3 Card icon for Flickerling Flickerling x1 3 Card icon for Grandfather's Axe Grandfather's Axe x1 3 Card icon for Gravetender Gravetender x1 3 Card icon for Guard Dog Guard Dog x1 3 Card icon for Hair-Trigger Pistol Hair-Trigger Pistol x1 3 Card icon for Hero of the People Hero of the People x1 3 Card icon for Iron Hook Iron Hook x2 3 Card icon for Mighty Strikes Mighty Strikes x1 3 Card icon for Oni Eulogist Oni Eulogist x1 3 Card icon for Scorpion Wasp Scorpion Wasp x1 3 Card icon for Shadowlands Bonepicker Shadowlands Bonepicker x1 3 Card icon for Skysnapper Skysnapper x1 3 Card icon for Sparkbot Sparkbot x1 3 Card icon for Spirit Guide Spirit Guide x1 3 Card icon for Stoneshaker Stoneshaker x1 3 Card icon for Unfinished Business Unfinished Business x1 4 Card icon for Aerial Spotter Aerial Spotter x1 4 Card icon for Back-Alley Bouncer Back-Alley Bouncer x1 4 Card icon for Bolster Bolster x1 4 Card icon for Chunk Chunk Chunk Chunk x1 4 Card icon for Consuming Greed Consuming Greed x1 4 Card icon for Cripple Cripple x2 4 Card icon for Deathstrike Deathstrike x1 4 Card icon for Geomar, the Steel Tempest Geomar, the Steel Tempest x1 4 Card icon for Groundbreaker Groundbreaker x1 4 Card icon for Guerrilla Fighter Guerrilla Fighter x1 4 Card icon for Hatecleaver Hatecleaver x1 4 Card icon for Lens of Clarity Lens of Clarity x1 4 Card icon for Pistolwhip Pistolwhip x1 4 Card icon for Recogulator Recogulator x1 4 Card icon for Rise to the Challenge Rise to the Challenge x1 4 Card icon for Scalechannel Sorcerer Scalechannel Sorcerer x1 4 Card icon for Sirocco Glider Sirocco Glider x1 4 Card icon for Sky Crew Sky Crew x1 4 Card icon for Storm Glider Storm Glider x1 4 Card icon for Viper's Bite Viper's Bite x1 4 Card icon for Wurmstone Wurmstone x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Guardian Xenan Guardian x1 5 Card icon for Awakened Sentinel Awakened Sentinel x1 5 Card icon for Dustblind Dustblind x1 5 Card icon for Eye for an Eye Eye for an Eye x1 5 Card icon for Gun Down Gun Down x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Hurler Jotun Hurler x2 5 Card icon for Kosul Beastmaster Kosul Beastmaster x1 5 Card icon for Shingane Forge Shingane Forge x1 5 Card icon for Skycrag Wyvarch Skycrag Wyvarch x1 5 Card icon for Skywalk Instructor Skywalk Instructor x1 5 Card icon for Swindle Swindle x1 5 Card icon for Valkyrie Denouncer Valkyrie Denouncer x1 6 Card icon for Deadeye Deadeye x1 6 Card icon for Fortunate Stranger Fortunate Stranger x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Spirit Drain Spirit Drain x1 6 Card icon for Voyaging Lumen Voyaging Lumen x1 7 Card icon for Core Scavenger Core Scavenger x1 7 Card icon for Elysian Trailblazer Elysian Trailblazer x1 7 Card icon for Silverwing Augmentor Silverwing Augmentor x1 8 Card icon for Eilyn, the Rising Storm Eilyn, the Rising Storm x1 8 Card icon for Improvised Club Improvised Club x1 8 Card icon for Magmatic Sentinel Magmatic Sentinel x1 8 Card icon for Valkyrie Linebreaker Valkyrie Linebreaker x1 Card icon for Combrei Banner Combrei Banner x1 Card icon for Crownwatch Standard Crownwatch Standard x1 Card icon for Hooru Banner Hooru Banner x1 Card icon for Token of Instinct Token of Instinct x1 Card icon for Xenan Banner Xenan Banner x1


Cost Curve




Hey. This is my first time using Warcry. Figured it was about time to do that.

Usually I don't have a problem making league decks bust my pool seems really diverse and I'm late into league this time. Would love some help with constructing a deck that could plow through matches. Thanks for any advise you might have. I'm looking at my pool and seeing what I thinks might be good combination of cards too.

Event Information

League - Chapter 26: Burning Hope
January 1-31, 2019
Kosul burns. From the ashes, the cunning find great opportunity.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2 3 2

Power Sources
1 3 3 2 1 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
97 36 10 2

Card Types
78 21 41 0 5


January 19, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

BBCode For Comments

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