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Argenport Midrange

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is my most current Argenport Midrange deck.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
19 19 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
9 25 26 10

Card Types
31 11 12 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


November 1, 2018

October 4, 2018


Eternal Version
Bug fixes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) November 1, 2018



BarnacleEd Edited Eternal Version: 1.40
I'm not a fan of running Crownwatch Paladin alongside Vara, Vengeance-Seeker personally, as removing the aegis of your own units sucks. I also feel like you really want 4xSabotage or Shakedown to proactively handle your opponent's best removal options for Tavrod. Finally, I've personally cut all Bloodletters and am running 2xCrownwatch Standard instead which I find is plenty of lifesteal - I can understand keeping bloodletter if you're still using the crownwatch pallies though. The rest of this deck is pretty much the same as what I've been running. Telut in market definitely is a good call too!

IMHO AP Mid is currently underrated and in a surprisingly decent place in the current meta.
GumbyMan Eternal Version: 1.40
Hey BarnacleEd, I made a few changes based on your recommendations. I agree with removing the Bloodletter altogether. I also have been trying out your 2X Crownwatch Paladin for a spin... What do you think, now?
BarnacleEd Eternal Version: 1.40
I'd still suggest cutting the Paladins altogether personally; You really don't want to be running aegis units alongside new Vara, especially one that has a measly 1hp!
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.39
I'm starting a new comment because I can't read them anymore on my cell phone lol. I like this list, commando is a sweet card especially with the addition of paladin. I will just say though, I still prefer not to play emerald waystone, and i didn't mention it before, but the reason to play 4 Tarvod main is so you chances to draw Tarvod off Tarvod. But ya, you would have to figure out something to cut. But overall, list looks pretty nice
GumbyMan Eternal Version: 1.39
More changes.... what do you think now?
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.39 pretty similar idea
GumbyMan Eternal Version: 1.39
Yeah, good stuff!
GumbyMan Eternal Version: 1.39
I'm torn between running more minotaurs for Tavrod to fetch and units with more than one battle skill for Unseen Commando to buff.
GumbyMan Eternal Version:
Ni Ninyacan, are you still playing Argenport?
Comment Deleted
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.39
Are you still playing this much? How has shakedown been for you? Also, no slay? I feel like could easily shave a couple vanq blades (clunky) and an annihilate (4 is a lot) for slay
GumbyMan Eternal Version: 1.39
Hi Ninjacan! Your timing is impeccable! I had actually planned to update this deck today with my latest changes :) I know you said to drop 2 Vanquisher Blades, but I do think 3 are justified in this new version. I added 1 main/1 market Citywide ban because control is the absolute bane of this deck. What do you think of the deck overall, now?
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.39
Wow, that's a lot of changes. I haven't played AP mid enough to give a really informed opinion, and honestly right now I've been playing quite a different version. I've been playing a more controlling version with no Minotaurs, harsh rules main, Maktos and Teluts in the main, more cull the deck.

As far as this more aggressive version, I`m going to try it, but I have made a few changes.

I moved the Tarvod to the main, and I put a Makto in his place in the Market.

I cut the Emerald Waystones for Justice Sigals (the upside of waystone is just too insignificant, I'd rather have more sigals to make my Seats come in undepleted more reliably). I cut the cull the decks, I feel like you either want 4 or zero, and I think this deck doesn't want cull, we're more looking to curve out than dig for specific cards.

I cut the argenport instigators for Crownwatch Paladins. Paladin has traditionally been really good in this deck, great in the first few turns against control decks, additional ways to grow Interrogator. Also I just don't feel like interrogator does enough, a 2 power 3/3 seems good, but, it's outpowered very quickly in most matchups, and dies to like every removal that exists.

I cut the citywide ban main for a 3rd sabotage, I just don't like it main, pretty clunky, I'm not even sure it's good at all in the market, but it might be ok in a few matchups.

Andd.. I have a 3rd annihilate and 1 Inquisitor's Blade. Going to try that out for now, see how it goes.
GumbyMan Eternal Version: 1.39
I completely agree with you on the Argenport Instigator removal. I believe there are better choices in this deck for sure. I will make some additional tweaks soon. Are you posting your Argenport deck? I would like to see the whole "picture." If you do not want to post it, then you are welcome to add me on Discord. Thanks!
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.39
GumbyMan Edited Eternal Version: 1.39
Cool thanks! I made additional tweaks to my deck based on your feedback and additional play testing. It's hard for me to avoid playing Inquisitor's Blade if I am running four Crownwatch Paladin. I sincerely hate when I miss with a sabotage, so I removed them.