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Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




My name is Dzjennick and this is Peaks!

I'm a sucker for consistency (which normally puts me off HotV in a 3-color deck) and so this deck aims to drop a power every turn, so you can cast your top-end reliably and on-curve. The deck aims to minimize early aggression while going over the opponent in the late-game. I've been tinkering quite a bit and it's now to the point where I'm happy posting the list. That doesn't mean it can't be optimized still. One thing I intend to try next is to bring in 2 Jennev Cargo instead of Seek Power. Note that none of this is set in stone. There is a lot of flexibility to play around with other cards, just remember that the reliability of power-drops is a big reason for playing this deck. You can go with Sandstorm Titan over Moonstone Vanguard, but you're giving up consistency in doing so.

Below is an overview of cards I considered and went with and my reasoning for them.

Bore: I like running bore mainboard, because you can often send the additional copy to market (I'm a sucker for card advantage too). I guess this only really works in a Skycragg deck, so you can run Kaleb's Choice[/card] in the market, in case you don't draw Bore, but still need that relic removal (or if you don't need relic removal but could use a Counterspell instead, hooray for split cards!)

Permafrost, Torch, Equivocate: Your main removal cards. Since there's no board wipes in the deck, it's important to read your opponent's deck. If they are playing a Rakano aggro strategy, there is a decent chance they are running Champion of Glory. You don't want to be stuck with just a Permafrost when that comes out. So think of what cards your opponent might be running and use your removal accordingly. Ideally, you want to use Equivocate on 4-drops (or lower) or on cards with a continuous effect (like Mystic Ascendant). Also, make use of the different phases in the game, try and bait that Finest Hour before you Torch it. Remember, no board wipes to fall back on, so you want to get max value out of your cards

Amber Acolyte: I'm running the acolytes instead of Trail Maker because it hurts to get that Torched. Also, I want to trade/chump with my acolytes.

Display of Instinct: I like all 3 modes, but the important thing here is how to use them. You don't ever want to play the display unless it's absolutely necessary! Here is a small note on all 3 modes.
Mode 1: Remember that the 4 damage can go face.
Mode 2: Remember to assign your blocker (preferably Heart of the Vault) before you recall to get the most value in. IMPORTANT: bouncing Xo of the Endless Hoard does not trigger his Fate ability
Mode 3: I don't know, it's a counterspell. Use it to blow out your opponent.

Howling Peak Smuggler: Spell Power matters! Make sure to remember that! Other than that, it's a smuggler, use it like you would use any smuggler.

Wisdom of the Elders: A previous version of this deck was running Jotun Feast-Callers for its card-draw. I felt this was more consistent and didn't put as much pressure on the influence requirements.

Moonstone Vanguard: Originally these were SSTs, and I love me my SSTs. However, the pledge is really useful in this deck, in case you run into a questionable 2 power hand. By the way, if you do run into that, don't be greedy, just pledge. It's a prime removal target for opponents (as it heals when they want to damage you and pulls you ahead if they don't attack), so don't expect it to live long...

Heart of the Vault: It's a really good card...

Howling Peak: It's removal, an extra HotV, more fixing and a minion. Even with the nerf, it's still a powerhouse.

Xo of the Endless Hoard & Zal Chi, Herald of War: Your top-end. I've gone with 2 and 3, mainly because I thought sites might be very prevalent after the patch (Zal Chi, Herald of War wrecks them). I'm sure you could play around with the quantities as you see fit, without it having much impact on the deck.

I already spoke on Kaleb's Choice. Let's move on to Cirso's Choice. I guess this is the closest you have to a board-wipe, and if you can pull it off, you are very far ahead. However, the other mode is great too against something like Maul. Also, it's another split card and split cards are cool and unpredictable.

Polymorph is there for that huge thing that you are scared to Equivocate, but can't Permafrost or otherwise remove

Molot & Nakova: Typically wins you the game on the spot (when you get to Spark). Don't forget that Howling Peak's Kaleb's Favor triggers Spark

Praxis Banner: For those rare games where you need help with bringing in power. Remember, you want to drop your 6/7-drops as soon as possible, so don't be afraid to grab this on turn 4 if you find yourself without power...

I want to write more (match-ups and mulligan strategy), but I'll see how the response is to this first.

#myfirstdeckoneternalwarcry ;)


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 3

Power Sources
15 15 15 19

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 25 17 14

Card Types
22 4 24 4 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


January 18, 2019


Eternal Version
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