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Stonescar Aggro

Throne Deck By
Eternal Titans


Cost Curve




My newest Stonescar Aggro list, I used my old version as inspiration and incorporated the changes.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
16 15 8 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
21 26 15 5

Card Types
34 0 19 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]


April 23, 2019


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) April 23, 2019



JTJag Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Playing 4 desecrates without any source of lifesteal seems questionable to me.
AhornDelfin Eternal Version: 1.45.7
The idea is that you are the aggressor and put the opponent on the defense and thus you care more for efficient removal than the 3 hp. It is risky in the mirror though.
Hermeson Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Word to the wise: do not craft this. I cannot emphasize enough how bad this deck is.
Crosby4HyG Eternal Version: 1.45.7
@Hermeson Most of this list is comprised of pretty old cards, so it's not like it's a shift investment to craft it for most players. You're also wrong, it's not a bad deck in the slightest. It's a solid aggro list which I went 7-3 with half an hour ago. Post constructively or don't post at all.
ThousandMoods Eternal Version: 1.45.7
I ended up my first game with this deck with 3 desecrates in hand (which is great). However, I had 6 power and only 1 shadow influence. I guess you had something similar.
Diablolee85 Edited Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Funny, I don't see you posting a God tier deck, so why dump on someone else's? I don't actually post much, but this just triggered me. From experience, decks don't tend to be bad, it's the player. Can't tell you how many high tier decks I won't play because I'm just plain bad at the play style. So, how about next time, mention what you're having trouble with and see what can be done to improve YOURSELF instead of hating on others.
Mail Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Thanks I will save my shiftstone Mr Hermeson you are a life saver
Alison Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Do you have any reasoning?
AhornDelfin Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Thanks for the constructive feedback. Be careful not to drop too much info otherwise you might learn something.
ReflectingMyDescent Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Ma man mr. delfin with another good list. Finally it's time for aggro to rise again!