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Pile of cards from league packs

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress
1 Card icon for Affliction Affliction x1 1 Card icon for Amaran Shoveler Amaran Shoveler x1 1 Card icon for Cloudsnake Hatchling Cloudsnake Hatchling x1 1 Card icon for Direfang Spider Direfang Spider x1 1 Card icon for Elder's Feather Elder's Feather x1 1 Card icon for Fallen Oni Fallen Oni x1 1 Card icon for Family Charter Family Charter x1 1 Card icon for Jump Kick Jump Kick x1 1 Card icon for Lucky Prospector Lucky Prospector x1 1 Card icon for Rolant's Intervention Rolant's Intervention x2 1 Card icon for Sanctuary Priest Sanctuary Priest x1 1 Card icon for Scrap Hound Scrap Hound x1 1 Card icon for Seek Power Seek Power x1 1 Card icon for Swear Vengeance Swear Vengeance x1 1 Card icon for Talir's Intervention Talir's Intervention x1 1 Card icon for Tock Tick Tock Tick x1 1 Card icon for Vara's Intervention Vara's Intervention x1 2 Card icon for Copperhall Porter Copperhall Porter x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Longsword Crownwatch Longsword x1 2 Card icon for Cryptic Etchings Cryptic Etchings x1 2 Card icon for Disjunction Disjunction x1 2 Card icon for Lightning Storm Lightning Storm x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Stranger Rakano Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Scavenging Vulture Scavenging Vulture x1 2 Card icon for Skycrag Stranger Skycrag Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Sparring Partner Sparring Partner x1 2 Card icon for Unseen Agent Unseen Agent x1 2 Card icon for Winter's Grasp Winter's Grasp x1 3 Card icon for Assembly Line Assembly Line x1 3 Card icon for Brightmace Paladin Brightmace Paladin x1 3 Card icon for Copperhall Shieldman Copperhall Shieldman x1 3 Card icon for Duskcaller Duskcaller x2 3 Card icon for Feeding Time Feeding Time x1 3 Card icon for Granite Acolyte Granite Acolyte x2 3 Card icon for Hoof Slash Hoof Slash x1 3 Card icon for Lastlight Infusion Lastlight Infusion x1 3 Card icon for Lethrai Memory-Keeper Lethrai Memory-Keeper x1 3 Card icon for Mysterium Orb Mysterium Orb x1 3 Card icon for Serene Excavator Serene Excavator x1 3 Card icon for Shepherd's Horn Shepherd's Horn x1 3 Card icon for Signal Flag Signal Flag x1 3 Card icon for Skysnapper Skysnapper x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Spellshield Architect Spellshield Architect x1 3 Card icon for Stoneshaker Stoneshaker x1 3 Card icon for Torrent of Spiders Torrent of Spiders x1 3 Card icon for Trickster's Cloak Trickster's Cloak x1 3 Card icon for Voracious Fosora Voracious Fosora x1 3 Card icon for Whirling Duo Whirling Duo x1 3 Card icon for Wild Rider Wild Rider x1 3 Card icon for Xenan Destroyer Xenan Destroyer x1 4 Card icon for Archive Curator Archive Curator x1 4 Card icon for Barbarian Camp Barbarian Camp x1 4 Card icon for Camp Physician Camp Physician x1 4 Card icon for Centaur Outrider Centaur Outrider x1 4 Card icon for Cutbrush Cartographer Cutbrush Cartographer x1 4 Card icon for Final-Shot Rioter Final-Shot Rioter x1 4 Card icon for Grenadin Cannoneer Grenadin Cannoneer x1 4 Card icon for Hissing Spiketail Hissing Spiketail x1 4 Card icon for Hunter's Harpoon Hunter's Harpoon x1 4 Card icon for Jotun Cyclops Jotun Cyclops x1 4 Card icon for Lost in the Mist Lost in the Mist x1 4 Card icon for Nocturnal Kyrex Nocturnal Kyrex x1 4 Card icon for Recogulator Recogulator x1 4 Card icon for Sandstorm Titan Sandstorm Titan x1 4 Card icon for Shielded Shortbarrel Shielded Shortbarrel x1 4 Card icon for Soul Collector Soul Collector x1 4 Card icon for Wandering Forge Wandering Forge x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Cupbearer Xenan Cupbearer x1 5 Card icon for Awakened Sentinel Awakened Sentinel x1 5 Card icon for Bloodcall Invoker Bloodcall Invoker x1 5 Card icon for Deepwood Ranger Deepwood Ranger x1 5 Card icon for First Watch First Watch x1 5 Card icon for Frenzied Omnivore Frenzied Omnivore x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Warrior Jotun Warrior x1 5 Card icon for Powderkeg Rider Powderkeg Rider x1 5 Card icon for Stonepowder Heretic Stonepowder Heretic x1 5 Card icon for Valkyrie Denouncer Valkyrie Denouncer x1 6 Card icon for Challenge by Law Challenge by Law x1 6 Card icon for Champion of Mystery Champion of Mystery x1 6 Card icon for Direwood Rampager Direwood Rampager x1 6 Card icon for Eilyn's Frostrider Eilyn's Frostrider x1 6 Card icon for Finback Komonat Finback Komonat x1 6 Card icon for Stonescar Maul Stonescar Maul x1 6 Card icon for Timeworn Sentinel Timeworn Sentinel x1 6 Card icon for Valkyrie Arcanist Valkyrie Arcanist x1 8 Card icon for Ardent Bravo Ardent Bravo x2 8 Card icon for Surveying Mantasaur Surveying Mantasaur x1 8 Card icon for Valkyrie Linebreaker Valkyrie Linebreaker x1 9 Card icon for Scourstone Sentinel Scourstone Sentinel x1 9 Card icon for Silverwing Rallier Silverwing Rallier x1 Card icon for Crest of Chaos Crest of Chaos x1


Cost Curve




I really dunno what deck I can make from this :-(


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 1 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
64 24 7 1

Card Types
63 15 17 0 1


April 3, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

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