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[Rank 66] Moldermucking Rolant

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Almost made top 64 with this last minute brew in the Stormbreak Open, finishing 18-10. I picked this list based on these assumptions about the meta:

Plenty of aggro - whether it’s soldiers and mono fire, this list has plenty of answers. Rolant and KTE are very anti-aggro. I did indeed run into a good amount of aggro.

Plenty of mandrakes - Moldermuck is great against mandrakes, as are Rolant and KTE. During my run, I saw almost no mandrakes in my matches. However, this setup worked out pretty well against menace aggro decks that also relied on Krull recursion.

Plenty of 4F sling - Reappropriator is a key card in this matchup, and market Disrupt is backup relic hate. This was probably the most common matchup I ran into, and I managed a positive win rate, with many matches dependent on whether the sling player can protect their slings.

Not much Overloader combo - because I expected lots of aggro, I also expected most people to shy away from trying to run combo. This turned out to be my biggest mistake for this event, as I did end up running into plenty of combo matchups with a 100% loss rate. Exploit, market Devastating Setback and Eilyn’s Choice were basically my only answers and that was not good enough.

Not much control (TJS, Combrei) - I don’t think control is great in the current meta, so I didn’t bother worrying about them. Only 1 loss here, to a TJS list.

Overall, the deck performed about as well as I had hoped for. In retrospect, I think I could have done better by leaning more into the primal side of things for more spell hate.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 1 2

Power Sources
19 6 13 13

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
5 20 25 4 17

Card Types
20 0 31 4 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Bastion Rising [Set1097]
Stormbreak [Set1107]


April 18, 2021


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



coandco Eternal Version: 21.03.23
Trying this deck, and I'm consistently losing games to not hitting my second shadow influence in time. When it hits SS it does well, though.
arcade Eternal Version: 21.03.23
I mulligan pretty aggressively when playing this, to make sure at least some cards in my opening hand are playable.