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Mono Fire Deck ver. 2.0 [Master Rank]

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Been a couple months since my last update and post (find version 1.0 of the Deck here: Mono Fire Aggro [Master Rank]. With the loss of Ascetic Lantern and Twilight Lantern (given that the update to these has rendered them all but useless in the meta), I have been looking for alternatives and reworking the deck to see if it can still compete with the rest of the meta. Took me to Master rank in a single afternoon/evening. The main strategy remains basically the same but with some small adjustments to accommodate the losses to consistency.

Card Choices


Ticking Grenadin
First of our major changes. Replacing Ascetic Lantern proved difficult. The card provided card draw, consistency, speedy attacks, and hand manipulation. It's increase to a cost of 2 really hurt its viability. In addition, the pool for 1-drop units in the Fire Faction are not exactly superb at the moment. I've tested cards like Cackling Hustler and Grove Firebow with minimal, if not, unsatisfactory results. Enter Ticking Grenadin. It pairs perfectly with Display of Passion since the attached unit tends to become removal fodder. I was considering Drifter in this spot as well until I realized that it did not have Charge. With the high count of spells in the Deck, Kennelmaster is in competition with this spot but I do not have the shiftstones to try out a playset. On the lookout for other 1-drop Fire Faction units that could take this spot.

These 3 cards are returning competitors from the first version of the Deck and serve the same purpose. The one change here is Ignite went from 3 to 4 with the extra space provided by the lowering of the power card count (explained below).


Ankle Cutter
The big elephant in the room. As one of our previous main damage dealers, Twilight Lantern was a cheap and efficient way to threaten great amounts of damage in combination with other cards while give us card draw and damage via the Nightfall mechanic. The stat changes really hurt the card and is near unplayable in an aggro shell. I had a few more semi-viable options here but not much more than in the 1-drop slot. Cards like Yeti Cookmaster and Grove Supplier helped push damage but were not great standalone cards. Zealot of Shavkan could be a potential pick here to get rid of Aegis on the enemy for cheap but the power was also lackluster. Here, Ankle Cutter provided a decent effect with a 3/2 body which is the best rate going for a 2-drop in the Fire Faction. In the current meta, the effect may or may not come up but you're happier than not to have this card out when the situation presents itself. This is another slot competiting for a new addition but nicely does the job for the time being.

Defy Authority
With the recent changes to draw power in Deck, using Catalyze is less effecient. Since you cannot manipuate your hands any longer, the goal is effeciency and having every single card count. Defy Authority provides an even cheaper, immediate form of burn that can potentially be a net neutral in card advantage and serves as a removal spell as well.

Rakano Anarchist
Another couple of cards that remain the same. While Rakano Anarchist went from 3 to 4 to increase the chances of drawing 1 and 2-drops early on, Rampage remains at 3. The latter is a card that with the departure of Twilight Lantern, I am having mixed feelings about. Until there is a better way to deal with Aegis units in the Fire Faction, I fear this is the best alternative to push through for damage or crash into a pesky defensive unit.

3 & 4-Drops

Censari Brigand
Display of Passion
Karrina, Embercaster
These slots are exactly the same and are the endgame of the Deck. Two units that have Charge and hit hard and two excellent, versatile burn spells. Do not fix what is not broken (unless something better comes along or they rotate out).

With the losses of the Lanterns, running so many power cards has become a detriment since you cannot simply draw your way out of a bad hand. That said, we still want to hit every single one of our power drops at least in the first four turns of the match. A happy medium seems to be at 24 Fire Sigil. This in combination with our 4 Midnight Reprieve gives us a total of 28 power cards (down 2 from the previous 30).


As mentioned, the Deck remains relatively the same but for a few calculated edits. With the power card count at 28, it is an approximate 37% of the Deck and is an equivalent of having 22 lands in a 60 Deck. This is perfect as the mana curve of the Deck has lowered down to 2.09. While the Deck has indeed reached Master Rank and performed quite better than expected, there's definite room for improving the consistency and speed of the Deck (suggestions are ALWAYS welcomed). It does require more careful piloting than the previous version as you do not have an easy way to recur resources. Crucial decisions can determine the difference between losing with your enemy having 2 life left or having attacked all with your units to push that 2 damage you needed to win. Remember, Red goes face!


September 20, 2023: As I've been playing and testing, the Deck definitely can reach Master Rank (just did last night). But it definitely lacks the raw power it once had. Debating between Ankle Cutter and Twilight Lantern, as the former provides more immediate raw damage, but the latter is a much-needed card draw engine. Without Ascetic Lantern to get rid of unnecessary Power cards, flooding seems to be an issue in the worst circumstances. Debating dropping one or more Power cards (minimum 25 total) and adding another Rampage plus some more units. Late game pieces are never an issue but having enough early plays and attacking units so you can burn out the opponent is crucial.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements

Power Sources
24 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
15 12 16 4 4

Card Types
24 0 23 0 28


September 20, 2023

August 16, 2023


Eternal Version
The Devouring

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