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Heroes Of The Throne

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Greatings once again, this time I wanted to share with the community my Throne deck.

To begin with, this deck does not only win via the The Throne Room only but it has crazy synergy with all the Heroes that I chose to use. The main concept of the Deck is to keep the pace until you get a safe Throne proc.
Try to keep a hand with 3 power and if not possible, Plunk or West along with the Xultan Ambassador are the things you need to start with, to fix your power early on. Try to use the throne after you have a sure proc attack.

Let's do a quick breakdown of the card choices.
-Gold-Plated Revolver is a one power cost permanent +3/+3 buff to all the units, appart for our Merchant and Xultan Ambassador. It transforms all our small units into immediate threats, that in addition to their instantly large power and toughness they have their utility as well.

-Icaria, Valkyrie Captain , West, On the Trail , Plunk Wumpkin are the cards that aid to build our power and in the same time build via the flight as a damage source for the The Throne Room. Helena, Skyguide gives flight to Plunk or other units, when you need that extra bit to proc the Throne.

-Wump, Party Starter , appart from being a Hero as well, synergises with the other yeti (12 in total), to snowball the face, making more procs for the Throne. Xultan Ambassador , is extra super good in this list with all those Heroes.

-Tarra, Ever Loyal , is the gal that makes our small units into monsters, also she takes aggro away from the other hidden threats that are the fliers, that actually proc the throne, scout, get buffed, do their thing, chipping away the life of your enemies. I use 3 of Tarra because its not that good to have her without another unit on the board.

-For the removals, Save the Day ftw? Nothing more to say for that card. So good. Stormhalt Plating , is the best weapon so far in the game, can be inscribed, can be a win condition or a great removal tool, even extra health. Mystical Shackles , is a card meant to be used for the ones that killing aint enough, you know which ones :P

-Relic hate option is only Vision of Austerity so there is not much to say about it.

-For the Market i chose Rime Conclave Smuggler , not only because you can choose either of the colors the deck uses, but if used right, you gain Aegis, protecting our relics.
+Market cards used for : Quick and AoE removal, counterspell(or inscribe) Vs winning condition spells, Creature protection and spell lock for lengthy games and finally : Yetipult because it synergises with Wump, for the Throne, or can be used for the removal, or even when you don't have any cards, the Yetipult can even draw you cards (doesn't make coffee though).

That's about it.
I hope posting the deck doesn't backfire on me :P , be polite when facing me on the board, am a better builder than i am a pilot. This deck has given me a 15 win 5 loss ratio so far and i guarantee that it has a great effect on your happyness when everything works as intented. Constructive feedback is appreciatted. May the card Gods aid you (unless facing me plx)!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 3

Power Sources
21 19 15

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
4 17 19 16 14

Card Types
30 14 11 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Stormbreak [Set1107]


January 15, 2023


Eternal Version
Enter the Arcanum

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