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Creation project Midrange/Control

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




* I would like to apologize if my writing is strange as English is not my primary language.


After getting to diamond 3 with an FPS aggro/frenzy deck i got stuck in mirror matches and games against control hooru and aggro stonescar.So i decided to build this deck using a shell similar to a deck i played before nerfs but adding control tools.
I managed to get to the masters from diamond 3 with a 15-1 record using this version of the deck.

Game Plan:

Like other decks using The Creation Project its main objective is to Overwhelm your opponent with Unleash units while maintaining hand advantage with your relics effects and taking advantage of interactions like Miner's Musket Cost reduction with Unleash units or Dinosaur Nest stats gain on Riva, Crimson Blur for power gain.
With control cards on the deck you can follow the same game plan against slower decks but can fight better against faster decks having answers to cards like Battlefront Dasher, Plunk Wumpkin,Rickety Ramcart.

About the cards choices:

.2x All-Nighter and 2x Bullseye: have similar uses as both are focused on eliminating Battlefront Dasher or other early game minions.( I only use 2x of each because you only want to see them on the 1/2 turn and 4x of each pollutes your draws.)
.1x Disciplinary Studies: For Unleash cards and control decks (It could probably be 2 copies for consistency.)
.3x Scornful Elite: For charge units like Inferno Phoenix, Riva, Crimson Blur, breaking aegis and facilitating trades with Miner's Musket.
.2x Arcanum Corridors: Probably one of my favorite cards in the deck as both effects are defensive.the invulnerability works well with Unleash units and with Dinosaur Nest for blockers.
.2x Brenn's Insight: I normally use 4x, but in this version I cut two for removal.
.2x Draconic Looting and 2x Svetya's Decree: used to be 4x Seek Power but this way i can have power fixing and draw power on the same card.
.2x The Fall of the Spire: For control/mirror matches. (You can put it to 1x or 3x depending on what you're facing more since you don't want it against all aggro decks.)
.2x Finneas, Still Here: Usually you just draw destroyed copies of Miner's Musket or Dinosaur Nest, But on rare occasions you can draw Mystical Shackles or The Creation Project (You can adjust the amount to your preference.)

Cards to consider:

Combrei Lawmage is a nice anti Unleash/Control card but his 2 justice requirements make him hard to play on turn 2.
.Lunar claw Can be a nice removal tool/Armor gain card, but is best if played with others cards that support weapons like Furious Magniventris or Stormhalt Plating.
.Kickflip Monk is one of the strongest defensive 2 mana cards as it can be used a blocker, mana fixing or graveyard shutdown.
.Lutestrung Bow Can be used instead of All Nighter or Bullseye, but with less flexbility.

Relic removal:

*This section is in case any new players want to know what to expect in each matchup as this is a primarily relic deck.
.Fire: You should try to bait early relic removal like Barbarian Guerillas and Oni Inciter with lower cost relics like Dinosaur nest and Disciplinary Studies (as this card can disrupt cards like Catalyze).
.Justice: Argenport Noble after the nerf of The Creation Project got weaker but it can still hit Dinosaur Nest or the others relics
.Time: Time have the biggest counter to this deck on Display of Realities but it's not that popular these days so you only have to worry if it's a control deck.
.Shadow: You should try to get multiple relics on board since Minotaur Lighthoof and Display of Will cant target.
.Primal: There's not much to do considering that its form of removal is transformation with Display of Survival and Lethrai Marauder.

Winstreak Proof:

*I dont know how to upload images yet. (If anyone knows, please tell me.)

*If you have any card recomendation or ideas just comment so we can improve the decklist.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1 3

Power Sources
12 11 14 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
2 30 20 10

Card Types
19 19 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Valley Beyond [Set1125]
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]

Control Midrange

October 31, 2022


Eternal Version
Enter the Arcanum

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