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[Top 50] Xenan Goodstuff Toolbox

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Probably the most powerful faction right now. I've originally started with Aaaaaaaaa's Xenan Midrange, but ended up replacing many cards. I like what I ended up with, since this deck has a high win rate against Project, Aggro and Hunt decks which make up the majority of the meta.

Most of the time, you want to play defensively by using your excellent removal to stall the game while gaining life from Hive Queen Uther and drawing cards with Nightfall, Insatiable Anteater and The Big Wheel. Teacher of Humility will make the opponent's Nightfall draws (or any other extra draws) much worse, and you can get her through with Minotaur Lighthoof who also doubles as relic removal versus those pesky The Creation Project decks.

Feed the Hecaton can swing the game around by removing your opponent's big threats, and the deck has plenty of units that activate it.
Shrivel outright kills aggressive units and many midrange annoyances like Hive Queen Uther and Ziat, Steelwarren Reeve. For bigger threats like the Alluring Predator, it can be used as a combat trick in combination with one of your units.
Insatiable Anteater draws you a card every turn in which the opponent draws an extra card by any means, not just through Nightfall (even if they Seek Power).
Swift Subverter can castrate your opponent's Hive Queen Uther or any other card with a Summon effect for that matter (which includes most Hunt cards and The Winter Fox).
And of course, Ziat, Steelwarren Reeve is an Exploit on a big stick that you can reuse with the market Recovery.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
18 17 12 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
5 27 28 9

Card Types
32 2 19 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]

Control Midrange

January 29, 2023


Eternal Version
Behemoths of Thera

BBCode For Comments

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Entrapta Eternal Version: 23.02.08
Just made it from Diamond 2 to Legend on the last day with this list, thanks for putting it together!
martyvburen Eternal Version: 23.02.08
Insatiable Anteater is such a hilarious removal magnet you get one of those out, and you can pretty much do whatever you want.
TheL0rd0fSpace Eternal Version: 23.01.25
Thanks for the list; I've played around with it and uploaded my tweaked version!
yasinsen Eternal Version: 23.01.25
Often get stuck with 2 power on turn 5 an loose.
CatPlanet Edited Eternal Version: 23.01.25
This deck has 27 power cards and 4 Vara' Favor, meaning that in effect it has 31 (not counting the market inscribe). This should be more than enough. Of course, you can have bad luck in either direction. I've had games where I drew nothing but power 7 times in a row.

Also, you shouldn't keep 2 power hands to begin with. Don't keep a hand just assuming that you will draw power in time - it is likely that you won't.
DonCoyote Eternal Version: 23.01.25
I'm really surprised to see that All-Nighter isn't in there. I assumed it would be an auto-include. I haven't played any Xenan in this Expedition yet, though, so take it with a grain of salt.
CatPlanet Eternal Version: 23.01.25
It's good in decks that lack early presence and removal (like Project) but you really don't need it here. Your hard matchups are mostly going to be other grindy decks, not aggro. But if you really hate losing to aggro you could fit it here at the cost of late game power.
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