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Power Cost
Card Set
  • 1-100 of 113
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Name Type Cost Stats Standard Draft
Defy Authority Fast Spell 2 6/10 Unrated
Rock Carapace Weapon 7 +9 +9 1/10 Unrated
Land's Edge Relic 3 Unrated 1/10
Harmless Question Spell 0 Unrated 6/10
Bouldergate Guard Unit 1 0 3 Unrated Unrated
Bring to Justice Spell 1 8/10 2/10
Defiance Fast Spell 1 4/10 2/10
Jade Lodestone Relic 1 Unrated Unrated
Splatter Tactics Fast Spell 1 Unrated Unrated
Rebuke Spell 2 3/10 6/10
Relentless Deadshot Unit 2 2 2 10/10 3/10
Sticky Honey Relic 2 Unrated Unrated
Suspicion Fast Spell 2 10/10 10/10
Copperhall Marshal Unit 3 3 3 2/10 6/10
Covenant Peacekeeper Unit 3 2 2 1/10 5/10
Fencing Master Unit 3 2 3 Unrated Unrated
Manacles Cursed Relic 3 5/10 2/10
Parliament Elder Unit 3 2 3 1/10 Unrated
Prepared Tracker Unit 3 2 2 Unrated Unrated
Resounding Shockwave Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Retribution Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Storm of Feathers Spell 3 Unrated 3/10
Warrant Officer Unit 3 0 3 Unrated 1/10
Warren Tactician Unit 3 3 1 Unrated Unrated
Furious Magniventris Unit 4 3 4 2/10 1/10
Peacekeeper's Prod Weapon 4 +3 +2 9/10 3/10
Pistolwhip Spell 4 1/10 Unrated
Svetya, Demand Justice Unit 4 3 3 Unrated 4/10
Argo Ironthorn Unit 5 3 3 3/10 2/10
Minotaur Duelist Unit 5 3 2 5/10 7/10
Civic Peacekeeper Unit 6 3 3 6/10 3/10
Hypnotic Elder Unit 6 2 4 Unrated Unrated
Last Call Spell 7 Unrated Unrated
Save the Day Fast Spell 7 4/10 1/10
Chill Fast Spell 1 Unrated Unrated
Desperate Captive Unit 1 3 3 4/10 Unrated
Fend Off Fast Spell 1 Unrated Unrated
Frostpact Sprite Unit 1 1 1 Unrated Unrated
Frostwave Fast Spell 1 1/10 2/10
Icy Gaze Fast Spell 1 Unrated 4/10
Little Brother Unit 1 1 1 Unrated 7/10
Permafrost Curse 1 3/10 3/10
Powderglider Unit 1 1 2 3/10 1/10
Shatter Fast Spell 1 Unrated Unrated
Snowstorm Druid Unit 1 1 1 2/10 1/10
Ancient Agreement Relic 2 Unrated Unrated
Avalanche Yeti Unit 2 2 2 Unrated 6/10
Dazzle Fast Spell 2 2/10 Unrated
Dazzling Revelation Fast Spell 2 Unrated Unrated
Edict of Linrei Spell 2 2/10 3/10
Entangling Vines Spell 2 4/10 3/10
Eye of Winter Relic 2 7/10 2/10
Flash Flood Spell 2 4/10 Unrated
Forceful Interruption Fast Spell 2 Unrated Unrated
Frost Fast Spell 2 Unrated Unrated
Frost Talisman Relic 2 Unrated Unrated
Frostbite Elemental Unit 2 4 5 9/10 Unrated
Winter Tomb Curse 2 10/10 10/10
Winter's Grasp Curse 2 2/10 Unrated
Flash Freeze Fast Spell 3 5/10 5/10
Frostbite Fast Spell 3 8/10 Unrated
Ice Over Fast Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Ice Sprite Unit 3 1 2 9/10 Unrated
Icebreaker Unit 3 0 3 6/10 3/10
Magnetize Curse 3 7/10 Unrated
Plunged into the Sea Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Shockwave Elemental Unit 3 4 2 Unrated Unrated
Skimmer Wrangler Unit 3 4 3 Unrated Unrated
Sunken Tower Relic 3 3/10 Unrated
Water Conjuring Fast Spell 3 Unrated 1/10
Chirganth's Breath Spell 4 Unrated Unrated
Grove Defenses Spell 4 Unrated Unrated
Jarrall's Frostkin Unit 4 3 3 3/10 Unrated
Slip Away Fast Spell 4 Unrated Unrated
Tactical Superiority Spell 4 Unrated Unrated
The Winter Crown Relic 4 3/10 2/10
Yetipult Unit 4 4 1 2/10 2/10
Crystallize Spell 5 1/10 2/10
Jotun Punter Unit 5 2 6 2/10 7/10
Linrei's Stranger Unit 5 4 5 1/10 3/10
Quinn, Master Tracker Unit 5 3 4 4/10 2/10
Thundrus & Snooze Unit 5 8 8 Unrated 5/10
Daraka, Queensguard Unit 6 7 7 2/10 1/10
Davia, Azurebreaker Unit 6 5 5 2/10 3/10
Eilyn's Frostrider Unit 6 4 4 Unrated Unrated
Frostbite Chrysalis Unit 6 4 6 Unrated Unrated
Frostclaw Rider Unit 6 5 5 5/10 Unrated
Iceknuckle Jotun Unit 6 3 6 Unrated Unrated
Lumbering Gruan Unit 6 6 7 Unrated 3/10
The Rending Squall Unit 6 7 5 Unrated Unrated
Bellowing Thunderfoot Unit 7 5 5 Unrated Unrated
Daraka, Loyal Guardian Unit 7 7 7 4/10 4/10
Terror on the Mountain Unit 7 6 6 Unrated 5/10
The Winter Fox Unit 10 6 6 Unrated 2/10
Jekk, the Bounty Hunter Unit 6 6 4 3/10 3/10
Subdue Fast Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Chunk Chunk Unit 4 4 3 2/10 2/10
Spitflame Draconus Unit 6 6 7 2/10 3/10
Buh-ton, Death's Reach Unit 4 5 2 3/10 2/10
Genetor Dovid I Unit 2 4 3 2/10 3/10
  • 1-100 of 113
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