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Here Be Kairos Again! (40-2)

Gauntlet Deck By
Team Not Tavrod


Cost Curve




Inspired by Roxie's Here Be Kairos! (271-7), this is my take on Big Praxis Gauntlet grinding. EoE has provided us with a great package of strangers, including Grodov's Stranger, which is acting like Heart of the Vault did before the nerf (RIP).

I know this is expensive, but it's reliable and has gigantic hands. I may need to consider Strange Gladiator in my market, as a way to kill relics and still fitting into the stranger theme.

Bosses are still often a coin flip, but the aggressive bosses are the most dangerous. Try to fight those very conservatively, as you don't have a lot of ways to regain health.

Edit - Going to test out a few suggestions:
Kairos' Choice instead of Sear.
Took Banner out of Market, I was never going for it, replaced with Strange Gladiator.
Purify out of Market, replaced with Prideleader.

Second edit: Revised deck for better consistency and also due to market changes. Infestation is a great tool to delay aggressive decks and if Kairos is on the board, it's a 1 power kill 2 things spell.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
19 24 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 22 17 18

Card Types
35 2 16 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]


March 12, 2020

February 16, 2020


Eternal Version
Market Changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) March 12, 2020



psly4mne Edited Eternal Version: 1.50.10
When do you market for Porcelain Mask? Are there particular problem units it's there for?
I've come to like Ancestral Oasis in the market.
Alomba87 Edited Eternal Version: 1.50.10
It's a good early grab from Market, and you may get lucky and silence a pesky unit, like a Silverwing Familiar, or Makto, etc. The Overwhelm also really helps your beaters push damage through.

Oasis is a great card, and a great suggestion. I may try it out. Tbh, I grabbed Mask just because I needed to take Kairos out of market, so it's kind of up in the air.
Cat Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Isn't Varret just better than Praxis stranger?
Alomba87 Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Probably a good sub. Praxis Stranger helps with influence too, but try Varret out. There's no real way to buff him with the rest of the deck, unfortunately, but he may end up getting some attacks in.
j33bus8401 Eternal Version: 1.50.5
This is nice, I I've won 5 gauntlets with it, lost 2 at the boss, and 1 to only getting 2 power the whole time. All in all there isn't a regular gauntlet deck that this doesn't feel good against.
Alomba87 Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Glad it's working for you. That's kind of my goal, create a kind of "Swiss Army Knife" deck.
biologynut99 Edited Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Gonna sneak in another of Roxie's old decks (which then was major overhauled by me and Voidking)

Is a gauntlet deck but was chosen for Meta Monday too! (t2) is another one which does great in gauntlet (though it was chosen as t1 in meta monday) and I think you just gave me the great idea to add Magnificent Stranger into it!

Good thoughts!

P.S. Ill try to give some feedback if I think of anything while testing your deck.
Alomba87 Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Look forward to the deck and your feedback.
azraerl Edited Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Why you're using Sear while Kairos' Choice still better? At least in gauntlet, where sites are not the thing (yet)
Alomba87 Edited Eternal Version: 1.50.5
Sear can still hit face to help close out games, but that's a good point because that's a fringe case. I'll try it out!