This is a combo-ish deck that ramps up to Molot & Nakova and churns them out repeatedly, either with End of Hostilities or just playing more M&N's. As long as you survive to cast it, basically no deck can withstand repeated M&N's, especially x2 at a time with a Tribute End of Hostilities (8 damage to their board + face.) I started with Isomorphic's Dragoncrunch list and went in a different direction, focusing less on tribute and Kenna and more on getting out Molot & Nakova's.
edit: lots of changes. It has pretty good matchups all around. Great matchups against a lot of popular ladder decks like Praxis Tokens. Hard to give advice in such a short section, but redraw for Grenamotives, Hailstorms, and some power. If End of the Barrel is on top of your deck and you can cast it, you should almost always just cast it. Last, Jotun Feast-Caller and Rusty Grenamotive are your main tribute enablers. Play mindgames with those cards and your spark triggers.