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Tavrod is still busted in Gauntlet

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




AP Midrange tailored to crush gauntlet:

Full Writeup


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
21 16 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
15 21 22 6

Card Types
28 4 18 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


April 24, 2019

August 9, 2018


Eternal Version

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Dillon Eternal Version: 1.37
So did you not use a market for a reason?
FallenChameleon Eternal Version: 1.37
I tested Winchest Merchant and found that the benefit wasn’t enough to upset our curve as Enforcer, Commando, and Bailiff are essential 4 ofs and the 3-drop slot gets pretty crowded. A 2/2 flying doesn’t apply any pressure nor serve as a blocker. The deck was very consistent for me without Merchants.
QueenZiga Edited Eternal Version: 1.37
Thank you so much, I've been struggling to complete the gauntlet boss quest all week long, seems like none of my decks work anymore in gauntlet, with this deck I was able to breeze through some of the games and get out of very tight situations, all the way to a 7-0 against Double Barrel.

Though had to make small change due to lack of Vanquisher's Bladex1 and Copperhall Bracersx1, instead I add Auric Runehammerx2, works nicely as well especially when drawn off of Tavy effect.
Sauce Eternal Version: 1.37
I was skeptical at first when I saw your new deck was AP tav. Tav decks were slow, and under performed for me, in the past..

However, somehow, this deck went 7-0 for my first two runs.

I switched out the 2x bracers for 2x thieves pick, since I didnt want to drop the 6k stone. They performed exceedingly well.

Also, I dropped the 2x dark returns for 2x surgeon's saw. The saws weren't awful, and saved me once, but seem too slow/ lack value overall.

Have you tried the deck out with thieves pick?

Awesome deck, as always!

jcm3 Eternal Version: 1.37
Loved the idea of the Thieve's Pick as well, I took out some Dark Returns for 2 of them. Not sure what should actually be taken out, I really like Copperhall Bracers too much to take them out but the Pick has been excellent.
FallenChameleon Eternal Version: 1.37
Thief's Pick is not a bad idea. Unblockable Tavrod sounds nasty and the Pilfer is ok, an extra card is never bad even with lower quality of AI cards overall.

One advantage of Bracer's is the ability to ramp from 4 to 5 if you get stuck, ensuring Tavrod comes down. The invulnerable team is sometimes useful as well and it shuts off cards like lightning strike from some decks. I'll test the Pick though. Guaranteed attacks with Tavrod is super strong in its own right.
Sauce Eternal Version: 1.37
I completely forgot that bracers ramped..

I'll try out the bracers right now and report back.

So far without the bracers I've gone 7-0 3x times and 4-1 1x
BadBug Eternal Version: 1.37
whats the best way to use the braces ? are they replaceable ?
FallenChameleon Eternal Version: 1.37
Bracers offer a way to smash through board stalls or attack through annoying Deadly units. You can get a Tavrod activation without losing him to a double block. The +4 attack can close out games on ocassion better than the +3/+3 on Bloodletter when played on a flier. The ability to ramp up when you are stuck on four power to hit Tavrod is very solid as well.

The best substitute is almost certainly just Bloodletter. The card is still very good, I just feel that Bracers works a little better in this deck.
BadBug Eternal Version: 1.37
Thanks for the detailed reply !