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Gauntlet Grinding Xenan

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




Just your typical Katra-focused Xenan deck, but without any Ayan because I don't own any copies of him. Still gets through Master Gauntlet just fine without him. Make a giant Cult Aspirant or two and beat the bot's face in in five turns, or take it slow to go wide and let Katra, the Devoted and/or Xenan Obelisk turn the chumps into giants. I thought the Xenan cultists were supposed to be more into radiants than giants, but hey, I like hearing that loud attack DONK too.

- Infinite Hourglass is in there just to counteract Permafrosts and the occasional match against Deep Freeze, since having your giant Cult Aspirants get stunlocked and popped by Icebreaker feels bad. Screw you Icebreaker. However, now that we have Disjunction, the former application of Hourglass is somewhat moot; feel free to use that instead if Furnace Mage gets you more salty than Icebreaker. I only have one copy of it so far feelsbadman.
- Amber Acolyte is run instead of Seek Power or Trail Maker for influence fixing because the former isn't a minion that can get swole, and the latter because the deck isn't particularly worried about ramping fast and prefers the deck thinning instead.
- Ancient Bauble is a surprising little game-changer for a dinky common 1-cost relic. Infinite, cheap activations for Aspirant and Katra are no joke. Offsets the slow bleed from an activated Auric Interrogator too, so that's a nice bonus.
- Banish, Xenan Obelisk, and Amethyst Waystone are 2-ofs because I only have two copies of them. I'd definitely run all of the Waystones because card draw gud, but 2 Banish and Obelisk feels right so far. I also don't have any Crest of Mystery, which I would also run.
- Ayan, the Abductor would probably be a good fit for this deck, but I never thought about what cuts I'd make for him since I don't plan to craft him any time soon since I don't really play Xenan. Even though this is a Xenan deck. I've deceived you all.
- Shadowlands Tyrant might also be a fit, but I'm less certain about him than Ayan, as he's slower both in effect and power cost. If you have him, feel free to give it a go and let me know. Or not, but I like human interaction sometimes.
- For those on a budget: Sandstorm Titan can be replaced by Colony Matron if you got her during her promo event. I used her in a previous build of the deck before I crafted the Darudes, and although she's a much slower form of air control than the undercosted no-fly-zone wall, she works as an alternate wincon with a steady stream of Lifesteal bats to chump block and activate Lifeforce with. Katra is also the only truly necessary rare to craft for the deck to function, assuming Auric Interrogator is already owned (if you don't have the Horus Traver campaign, fix that, cuz it has some dang good cards in there).

Comment, critique, try, up/downboat, give me a hug because it's the holidays and I luv u, w/e.

Edit (1/18/18):
Might as well give this an update. Primarily, Obelisk has been removed in favor of Rapid Shot for more aggression, and Bauble has been cranked up to the full stack cuz it's guuud. Still lacking any copies of Twilight Hunt or Lunar Magus to create a Nightfall engine, unfortunately. Also wish I had more Beckoning Lumens so that I could phase out the Interrogators for more reliable card draw, but honestly making crafts for this deck isn't a high priority for me in spite of the positive feedback loop staring me in the face. Too busy making crafts for Rakano and Argenport decks cuz I'm a shameless Justiceboi that needs a ladder deck eventually. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
16 15 8 2

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
27 25 12 4

Card Types
30 5 15 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]

Aggro Midrange

January 18, 2018

December 24, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) January 18, 2018



remystemple Eternal Version: 1.27
Hey thanks for the deck. i beat master gauntlet 2 times in a row so far lol. my list is a bit less, i don't have all the titans but it's rockin so far.

4 Ancient Bauble (Set3 #54)
4 Cult Aspirant (Set2 #35)
2 Dark Return (Set1 #250)
4 Sanctuary Priest (Set1 #73)
2 Twilight Hunt (Set3 #59)
3 Oasis Seeker (Set2 #41)
3 Rapid Shot (Set1 #259)
4 Temple Scribe (Set1 #502)
2 Vara's Favor (Set0 #35)
4 Ayan, the Abductor (Set2 #204)
3 Banish (Set2 #207)
4 Lunar Magus (Set3 #69)
4 Beckoning Lumen (Set2 #59)
2 Deathstrike (Set1 #290)
4 Katra, the Devoted (Set2 #208)
1 Sandstorm Titan (Set1 #99)
5 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
4 Amber Waystone (Set3 #51)
4 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Amethyst Waystone (Set3 #201)
4 Seat of Mystery (Set0 #61)
4 Xenan Banner (Set2 #201)
JyronStone Eternal Version: 1.27
Glad to hear it!

I see you've increased Bauble to the full stack of 4, and I'm curious how that's been working out for you. I stopped at 2 copies because I didn't want to risk them clogging the hand, but it's also a game winner when Katra is able to stick to the board.
remystemple Eternal Version: 1.27
It's been working pretty great. many games i've been able to get 3 on me. it's pretty bad ass when you get that board set up.
babelrouser Eternal Version: 1.27
Holiday hugs.
JyronStone Eternal Version: 1.27
Nice strong hug. A sign of a good moral foundation.

merr crimbus