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Cleaver Midrange

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Inspired by the discovery of a new tri-faction card in FoA, Cirso's Cleaver, which is a pretty reasonable card even without spellcraft, with it it's just a backbreaking value play, and I'm really enjoying playing it. I nearly killed someone with 1/1 frogs wearing these things the first day I tried this deck, and it was sweet.

The deck can play a reasonably fast midrange plan- BSH is your only 6-drop, though Predatory Carnosaur might be a good play here, It's on the list of cards to experiment with, and you can get on the board with some powerful 3, 4 and 5-drops, but you don't sacrifice any value or ability to remove your opponents' creatures for that early aggression, which is I think this deck's big leg up over any similar Elysian Lists, while its aggression is a leg up over anything similar in Feln, and both getting out faster and harder with False Prince and drawing through the deck easier give it legs up on Xenan decks.

I'm really enjoying this deck so far, it feels strong, like a good midrange deck. I can rush down control decks, I can get good card draw going, and I'm getting on the board fast enough to contest agro. We are still in the early days of the expansion where the decks are more fun shenanigans than actually good still, but I like where this deck is headed. Suggestions for improving it are of course welcome.

This is the 2.0 version, after a bit more testing- Petition isn't as good a card as I hoped it was, and my ongoing love affair with Feln Bloodcaster since I tried to make a Shadow Chalice deck back before Omens dropped has re-surfaced here, and I'm on the fence about if it's any good. I do like it against agro, often able to trade for a unit and a torch or a Mortar if you're lucky, which adds up to saving you a solid amount of life, and it does good things against control.... but I'm not convinced those are the things you want to be doing in this deck against control. That said, I originally added it to have more early plays that will stick around to carry cleaver, and it does that job extremely well. Relinquary Raider might be better, not sure.

The other really big changes are that I moved entirely away from 4-power removal, simply because I need to remember that this isn't a control deck- the gameplan is to kill your opponent with big time bodies, and damnit that's what I intend to do. I want better removal than Elysian, but that doesn't mean the same removal package as Feln Control. This deck needs to be able to remove something and make another play, or at least cast its removal spells early, which is why we're running 8 removal spells that all cost 3 or less.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 2

Power Sources
15 15 14 19

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
12 21 22 14

Card Types
19 5 26 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


June 30, 2018

June 29, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) June 30, 2018



attorneyeel Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
As soon as I saw Cleaver I knew it had to have a place in some kind of midrange shell so it's really exciting to see a build up so soon.

I just built this sans Feast Caller (subbing between Cirso, Rindra, and Worldbearer), and I agree with your sentiments about being able to curb early aggression while being able to land some monster top-end stuff. The manabase seems a bit shakey, which is obvious considering the recentness of the set, and lack of testing.

I'll get some more games in over the next day or two and report back.
ToastasaurusRex Eternal Version: 1.36
Yeah, manbase is why I didn't add Cirso or Rindra, but I thought Feastcaller was worth it. The (not many) games I've played with my version of the list make the manabase seem passable, not amazing, but passable. 2T, 2S and 3P is doable.

Please, bring back feedback once you've played more, would love to trade ideas on improving the deck.
attorneyeel Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Link to my decklist in case this one isn't easy to digest

4 Annihilate (Set1 #269)
2 Disjunction (Set3 #63)
2 Petition (Set4 #274)
2 Rindra's Choice (Set4 #261)
3 Banish (Set2 #207)
4 False Prince (Set1 #356)
3 Hailstorm (Set1003 #11)
4 Reliquary Raider (Set1 #110)
2 Feeding Time (Set1 #381)
4 Sandstorm Titan (Set1 #99)
3 Cirso's Cleaver (Set4 #270)
3 Black-Sky Harbinger (Set1 #385)
4 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)
3 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
3 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
3 Crest of Cunning (Set3 #267)
2 Crest of Mystery (Set4 #266)
3 Crest of Wisdom (Set3 #261)
1 Seat of Cunning (Set0 #62)
3 Seat of Mystery (Set0 #61)
3 Seat of Wisdom (Set0 #63)
4 Cirso, the Great Glutton (Set1 #362)
3 Seek Power (Set1 #408)
3 Permafrost (Set1 #193)
4 Second Sight (Set1 #207)

So, after a day of testing I've found the deck to have a lot of game against most of the field. I've ironed out numbers for the removal suite that I feel are pretty solid. I also, recently cut In Cold Blood due to the double Shadow influence being too much for the deck to reach with the current way manabases are setup; Permafrost has been subbed in as a replacement for the "catch-all" removal card along with.

False Prince, while a very solid early beater, feels too influence hungry and just a little soft against the amount of Icaria Blue, and other hard control decks I'm facing on the ladder.

Reliquary Raider is a solid card advantage engine that is pretty great against early game aggression, and helps the deck gas back up in the late game. Unfortunately, due to her usually only getting one draw/block I feel like Temple Scribe or Strategize might be need to replace her.

I feel a split of ( ~5 minimum) Seek Power and Petition is required to ensure we have consistent access to undepleted power.

The biggest cut I made was the playset of Wisdom of the Elders due to the influence requirements. Instead I opted to run Second Sight for the instant speed cantrip.

Anyway, I'd love to hear your findings, and or any feedback.

PS: a similar deck idea was featured in an RNGEternal article
ToastasaurusRex Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Just edited my list with my findings, and my conclusions are similar to yours, but for different reasons- I cut both In Cold Blood and feeding time, because, at the end of the day, I think the strength of this deck is that sure, you can play the value game, but your real gameplan is killing your opponent in any sort of control matchup, which is why I stand by False Prince simple because it either eats an answer, which you're gonna have to grind through anyways (and half the time it leaves a frog behind that can carry Cleaver), or they don't answer it, and it hits like a truck, which I think is part of why this deck does reasonably well against other Time decks that don't nessecarily have good removal for the Prince. And if it eats a Torch against agro, I can live with that, it bought me time until I could SST or BSH.

I ended up cutting Raider not for either of your suggestions, but for Feln Bloodcaster. Card is better than it gets credit for, and I really like it. Don't know if it's right for this deck, and probably should at least be cut down to 2 or 3 copies, but it does useful things against agro, it eventually does things against control, and it carries a Cleaver like a freaking champ.

I'd play Strategize before 2nd Sight myself, but that one's your call. I'm having some influence trouble, but not a huge amount, it's workable. I could probably cut Bloodcasters so I only need 1S if it were really bothering me. I'm avoiding Cirso because I didn't want any cards that cost double influence in more than 1 faction, but I also haven't tested the Pig Giant- how's she treating you? You think she's worth it? I'm still standing with Feastcaller myself.

Edit: as for the article- You'll notice a bunch of the cards on the list aren't crafted. That's an untested version, someone threw that together in a vaccume as a suggestions for people to play around with. Which is all well and good, and a fun suggestions- I'm having a blast with the deck, and hope more people see that article and go "Hey, this might be fun", but I wouldn't take too serious of suggestions from it simple because our actual experience playing the deck is worth something.
attorneyeel Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
I generally just use the Hot Takes articles as a barometer for what players (i.e Neon) more experienced than
myself feel might be good with the newest set, so don't worry I don't blindly copy those lists ;)

I think your argument for Prince is solid, and after leaving Silver (haven't really been playing this month) I agree with your sentiments; I mean the worst that could happen is that it eats a Torch or Favor.

While I agree with your assessment of Feln Bloodcaster as a card, I disagree with it's inclusion. Bloodcaster is a greater body to block against aggro, but beyond that it's ultimate is irrelevant in this deck. By turn 7 we're hopefully Spellcrafting Cleaver, obliterating the board, and swinging for lethal, or playing out removal/Harbinger to stabilize. The ult is meant for control mirrors and feels like win-more in this deck. I'm sure we'll come to a conclusion on 2 or 3-drop soon (Dreamsnatcher and Ayan, the Abductor look enticing if only just for their keywords).

Cirso is excellent and wears Cleaver the best (who'da thunk it). Being able to get in seven to nine damage for *almost* free is great, and it takes 5 blockers* to kill him in combat. Definitely worth the craft. Influence isn't an issue if you add less Shadow tech, and run the deck as Elysian splash Shadow (think BGx decks from Magic).

Also, I feel like cutting Feeding Time entirely is wrong due to the limited options we have for recurring or multicolor units. A play like an activated Champion of Cunning getting Dark Returned is absolutely a lose us. Same thing for a Tavrod snowball, HotV spam, or, god forbid, a massive Icaria.

*five blockers when wearing Cirso's Cleaver
ToastasaurusRex Eternal Version: 1.36
I'll Try Ayan, though it means cutting a card because it's Ultimate is too slow for a card with an even slower Ultimate, and argueably a worse play against agro. I'll Try him and see how he goes, but I'm really hesitant to drop that 2/5 body on Bloodcaster. You're 100% right that we want any 7-power plays in this deck to be board-impactful, like Spellcrafted Cleaver.

Though I'm going to disagree on Cirso as best Cleaver carrier simply because people auto-concede when you cast a spellcraft cleaver on a Jotun Feastcaller, kill 2 of their units and draw cards from the killer attack. And they aren't wrong to. Also just buff are better on Aegis creatures, and the buff in general makes attacking with Feastcaller a no-brainer.
attorneyeel Eternal Version: 1.36
Oh, I don't doubt that Feastcaller is a house with Cleaver (being able to two-for-one people almost guaranteed due to Aegis is a huge bonus), but I feel like Cirso fits right on curve with out influence, and his transform effect being absolutely monstrous. Although you really can't beat the raw card advantage from Feastcaller.

Ayan may not be very good due to his double Shadow requirement which means we need double influence for each faction by turn three to play all of our three drops, so that suggestion is probably void.
ToastasaurusRex Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Having run Bloodcaster, you don't need double of all three, on 3 power, just double of one of the ones you have in hand, and the rest you can get enough influence for later.

I honestly don't consider the triple Primal for Feastcaller on 5 power any harder than double Primal on 3 for Wisdom of the Elders. I mean, comparing them like that, yeah, I definitely believe that Cirso's Influence isn't an issue. I'm also willing to take that risk considering it works a lot more than it bites me, and the reward is pretty strong.

I mean, I'm also coming to this deck from playing Feln, where you just don't play threats without Aegis other than BSH, so I feel kinda naked relying on big threats that die to a single removal spell, which is part of why I'm resistant on Cirso. That's at least part of the issue.
attorneyeel Eternal Version: 1.36
As an ancient Feln player I get it. Fortunately I got over the need for my threats to have guaranteed protection by playing a lot of Praxis Midrange last summer. I really think Cirso is worth it, especially now with all the mono-Time, and Rakano midrange running around.