Hello! This is Hebbes with what I’m going to try to turn into a weekly weekend event preview article.
This weekend you have two events to look forward to. RNGEternals
ETS season 5 week one weekly open and Direwolf Digital’s in house
Omens of the Past Legendary Event.
Personally I’m not planning on playing in the ETS this week due to other commitments, but I’m sure a few people are. Based on the Season 4 invitational and the LCQ I’m looking at Stonescar Burn and Big Combrei to have targets on their backs.
And of course Unearthly will more then likely be there with his baby.
Now I’m not planning on playing in the tournament and I haven’t thought about what decks to play to counter these, so I’m not going to tell you what to play and I hope you didn’t come here looking to find out. Figuring out what to play in events are half of the fun of the event.
The Legendary Preview event is something I do have thoughts about. DWD is giving us four of the legendary cards in the faction pair we are playing and I’m looking to make the most of those cards while not relying on them too much.
First up Hooru is getting a giant card looking to lock up the endgame.
Aid of the Hooru
Aid of the Hooru is just what a Hooru control deck is looking to survive to do. It’s a swiss army knife of a finisher. It Stuns, it makes big flyers, it draws you cards, and it gives you armory for your
Staff of Stories so you can keep drawing more Aid of the Hooru’s.
LightsOutAce is the man I go to for Hooru control.
I think this deck is a work of art with only one change I would make for this event. I would try and get a full playset of Staff of Stories in there not just the two he has in this list.
Grinva, Judge of Battles
Argenport is probably my favorite faction pair in Omens of the Past and this card goes well in the Argenport deck I want to run in the event. It’s that perfect finisher for Midrange Argenport Lifesteal. You end up having a board that looks one of two ways, you’ll have big beaters of units bashing in and your opponent will be looking to remove them or your units will be outclassed and Grinva makes it so your units unappetizing to block. Putting a
Beastcaller's Amulet on Grinva also seems fun. Seven power, 3 Shadow influence and 3 Justice influence can be hard to get but when you get there it will be worth it.
I loved this deck in the preview event, I’ve edited it a bit to make sure the deck will get the influence needed to reach Grinva, to do this I cut a Dark Return and a
Crownwatch Paladin and I added the fourth Vara’s Favor and another Shadow Sigil.
Moment of Creation
I noticed a lot of hate for this card in the first few hours of it being spoiled. People can’t see how you would build a deck with enough spells to make the card worth their time. I took this as a challenge. I personally think you only need 5 spells in the yard to make this on par to draft bomb
Pillar of Amar which is a great card in the right deck. In fact, this deck.
I’m sure this deck is not going to do well in Ranked, but it’s a good starting point for this event and showcases Moment of Creation well. Fire removal mixes well with
Praxis Displacer and
Sandstorm Titan. Four of
Find the Way gives you 8 spells for Moment of Creation and fixes your influence for
Flame Blast and the one of
Pillar of Amar.
Molot & Nakova
I think this is the finisher Skycrag control decks were looking for. The dragon pair does a lot of what Skycrag was missing. It helps clear the board of late game aggro threats and ends the game quickly.
This is my starter list for Skycrag Control.
It feels like this might actually be good for this event as aggro decks are going to have a hard time using the legendaries.
Mask of Torment
Mask of Torment is the card that has given me the biggest headache in this event. What is the best way to use this card. Are you building a hyper ramp/lifeforce deck. Is getting to 25 power really what you want to be doing with this card, and this deck or do you want to just be using the extra power Mask of Torment to do other things.
This is what I would start with. If it turns out lifeforce ramping you up is better than just playing a good control game then I would morph the deck into that.
Once again we are flush with choices on what to do this weekend with Eternal. Whatever you choose to do I hope it goes well for you and I hope you enjoy it. Have fun and good luck.
Gracias amigo! (Thanks)