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Kudzu's Technique

Card image for Kudzu's Technique

- Silence each enemy with Flying, or
- Give one of your Mandrakes +2/+2 and Deadly this turn, or
- Create and draw a random Mandrake.


Deadly - Units and spells with Deadly kill any unit they damage, regardless of health. For example, a 1/1 with Deadly can kill a 5/5 attacker.
Flying - Flying units can only be blocked by other flying units, but can block ground units normally. They can also be directly attacked by Killer units and Relic Weapons.
Silence - Remove all text from a card and its attachments.

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Card Information

Group Type Spell
Type Fast Spell
Rarity Rare
Set Empire of Glass [Set10]
Eternal ID #341
Faction Multi - Xenan
Shiftstone Cost 800
Shiftstone Premium 3,200
Decks on Site View 26 Decks
Card Wiki View in Wiki


Expedition #23
July 21 to November 11, 2021
Expedition #22
May 18 to July 21, 2021
Expedition #21
April 20 to May 18, 2021
Expedition #20
March 23 to April 20, 2021
Expedition #19
February 24 to March 23, 2021
Expedition #18
February 11-23, 2021
Expedition #17
January 8 to February 11, 2021
Expedition #16
December 15, 2020 to January 8, 2021


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