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Raniya, Wings of the Cabal

Card image for Raniya, Wings of the Cabal

Flying, Ambush
Contract 4: Kill an enemy unit with lower Strength than Health. The enemy player discards each copy from their deck.


Ambush - An ambush unit can be played at the end of the enemy player's turn, or any time they are attacking you. If you played against a Killer or Relic Weapon attack, an Ambush unit will jump in the way to block that attack.
Flying - Flying units can only be blocked by other flying units, but can block ground units normally. They can also be directly attacked by Killer units and Relic Weapons.
Contract - You may pay the number in additional power to get its bonus. If you don’t have enough power to pay some or all of the Contract, the remaining balance is applied as “debt” that is paid at the start of the next turn.
Debt - Your available power is spent to pay off Debt. If you can't pay it all, you pay at the start of your next turn.

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Card Information

Type Unit
Rarity Legendary
Set Cold Hunt [Set12]
Eternal ID #193
Faction Multi - Argenport
Race Rogue
Shiftstone Cost 3,200
Shiftstone Premium 9,600
Decks on Site View 62 Decks
Card Wiki View in Wiki


Expedition #27
May 11, 2022 to January 18, 2023
Expedition #26
March 2 to May 11, 2022
Expedition #25
February 2 to March 2, 2022
Expedition #24
November 11, 2021 to February 2, 2022


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