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Ebon Dune Smuggler

Card image for Ebon Dune Smuggler

Summon: You may choose a card from your hand to swap with a or card in your Market.


Ambush - An ambush unit can be played at the end of the enemy player's turn, or any time they are attacking you. If you played against a Killer or Relic Weapon attack, an Ambush unit will jump in the way to block that attack.
Summon - Does something when played
Market - You can store up to five unique cards in your market that are not in your main deck when you build your deck. Your market is hidden from the enemy player.

Community Ratings


Card Information

Type Unit
Rarity Rare
Set Defiance [Set5]
Eternal ID #221
Faction Multi - Xenan
Race Merchant
Shiftstone Cost 800
Shiftstone Premium 3,200
Decks on Site View 958 Decks
Card Wiki View in Wiki


Expedition #6
December 19, 2019 to February 11, 2020
Expedition #5
December 2-19, 2019
Expedition #4
November 19 to December 2, 2019
Expedition #3
October 7 to November 19, 2019
Expedition #2
August 5 to October 6, 2019
Expedition #1
July 1 to August 5, 2019


Almost Eternal Version: 21.03.10
Market access at end of turn is really nice for protecting important cards from hand attacks like royal decree, exploit, and rain of frogs.
sylveon Eternal Version: 1.42.2
On the surface, this seems like the worst of the Smugglers, and indeed worse than any of the Merchants as well. While most of them have bodies worth at least 2 power, this one only manages a 1.5, as it can't quite muster the same health as Storm Lynx. However, the power of this card lies in the fact that it has Ambush. Being able to pull out Annihilate or Disjunction out of nowhere is pretty darn strong, and as such, I'd argue that this would be the best of its cycle... if only Time had better fast options. Regardless, it's still a much better card than it looks at first.
BarnacleEd Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
It's too bad the statline on this smuggler stinks; ambush on a merchant is super cool! Time + Shadow together lead to some nice flexibility as well - being able to pull out fast spells like Disjunction or Deathstrike after ambushing out the smuggler can lead to some real nasty surprises for your opponent.