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Shen-Ra Speaks

Card image for Shen-Ra Speaks

Kill all units.
Decimate: Silence and kill all units instead.


Silence - Remove all text from a card and its attachments.
Decimate - When you play a card with Decimate, you can spend a Maximum Power for an additional effect.

Community Ratings


Card Information

Type Spell
Rarity Rare
Set The Flame of Xulta [Set7]
Eternal ID #176
Faction Multi - Combrei
Shiftstone Cost 800
Shiftstone Premium 3,200
Decks on Site View 881 Decks
Card Wiki View in Wiki


Expedition #15
November 2 to December 14, 2020
Expedition #14
September 1 to November 2, 2020
Expedition #13
August 10-31, 2020
Expedition #12
June 24 to August 10, 2020
Expedition #11
May 12 to June 24, 2020
Expedition #10
May 4-12, 2020
Expedition #9
March 30 to May 4, 2020
Expedition #8
March 10-30, 2020
Expedition #7
February 11 to March 9, 2020
Expedition #6
December 19, 2019 to February 11, 2020
Expedition #5
December 2-19, 2019
Expedition #4
November 19 to December 2, 2019
Expedition #3
October 7 to November 19, 2019


Drexell Eternal Version: 1.47
Does this work against aegis?
whitenerdy53 Eternal Version: 1.47.8
It does not, even with the decimate effect.
Rykerboy Eternal Version: 1.47
No, aegis blocks both effects.
VoidKing Eternal Version: 1.47
I don't think it does.