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Power Cost
Card Set
Name Type Cost Stats Standard Draft
Rebuke Spell 2 3/10 6/10
Reinvigorate Fast Spell 2 1/10 4/10
Rivet's Wrench Relic 2 Unrated Unrated
Rolant's Favor Spell 2 4/10 3/10
Scornful Elite Unit 2 0 4 Unrated 1/10
Shiftstone Sniper Weapon 2 +1 +1 Unrated Unrated
Spectral Armor Fast Spell 2 Unrated Unrated
Steel Golem Unit 2 1 1 Unrated Unrated
Suspicion Fast Spell 2 10/10 10/10
Take a Stand Fast Spell 2 Unrated Unrated
Talon of Nostrix Relic Weapon 2 2 2 5/10 Unrated
Tinker Overseer Unit 2 2 2 2/10 2/10
Tinker Unionist Unit 2 2 2 5/10 Unrated
Tower Lookout Unit 2 3 2 Unrated Unrated
Vanquish Spell 2 3/10 2/10
West, On the Trail Unit 2 1 3 2/10 2/10
Aerial Deployment Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Auric Sentry Unit 3 1 5 4/10 6/10
Bear Unit 3 3 3 Unrated Unrated
Brigade Hall Relic 3 Unrated Unrated
Brightmace Paladin Unit 3 3 3 6/10 6/10
Covenant Peacekeeper Unit 3 2 2 1/10 5/10
Display of Law Fast Spell 3 4/10 Unrated
Emerald Acolyte Unit 3 2 1 5/10 3/10
Forensic Analyst Unit 3 1 4 7/10 Unrated
Helena, Skyguide Unit 3 3 3 1/10 Unrated
Hero of the People Unit 3 1 1 2/10 2/10
Loyal Watchwing Unit 3 1 1 5/10 7/10
Lunar Claw Relic Weapon 3 1 4 4/10 3/10
Minotaur Tailor Unit 3 2 3 Unrated Unrated
Mithril Guardian Unit 3 0 5 Unrated 7/10
Mystical Shackles Cursed Relic 3 4/10 2/10
Orene's Scepter Relic 3 2/10 1/10
Parliament Elder Unit 3 2 3 1/10 Unrated
Realize Your Potential Fast Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Rivet, Tinker Whiz Unit 3 2 2 Unrated Unrated
Saddle Up Fast Spell 3 Unrated Unrated
Scalesworn Patrol Unit 3 3 2 3/10 4/10
Soothing Shortbeak Unit 3 3 1 3/10 4/10
Spire Chaplain Unit 3 3 3 5/10 6/10
Strict Professor Unit 3 3 2 Unrated Unrated
Treasury Guard Unit 3 2 3 4/10 6/10
Urmstead's Lasso Relic 3 Unrated Unrated
Armorsmith Unit 4 2 2 2/10 2/10
Black Book's Enforcer Unit 4 4 4 Unrated Unrated
Chief Investigator West Unit 4 4 4 Unrated Unrated
Copperhall Recruit Unit 4 2 5 1/10 2/10
Crownwatch Cavalry Unit 4 2 2 5/10 4/10
Curfew Patrol Unit 4 3 3 Unrated Unrated
Desertion Curse 4 Unrated Unrated
Double Doors Relic 4 Unrated Unrated
Furious Magniventris Unit 4 3 4 2/10 1/10
Gryffyn Bomber Unit 4 2 2 Unrated Unrated
Gryffyn Rider Marshal Unit 4 1 4 Unrated Unrated
Keep Your Distance Fast Spell 4 Unrated Unrated
Lab Minions Unit 4 2 4 Unrated Unrated
Mantle of Justice Weapon 4 +0 +0 3/10 4/10
Offbook Officer Unit 4 2 1 Unrated Unrated
Prizefighter Unit 4 3 3 Unrated Unrated
Resonance Wave Spell 4 Unrated Unrated
Sharp Tactician Unit 4 2 2 10/10 Unrated
Shen-Ra, Peacemaker Unit 4 5 4 8/10 Unrated
Summary Judgement Fast Spell 4 10/10 Unrated
Corps Repairman Unit 5 3 3 Unrated Unrated
Final Balance Spell 5 6/10 4/10
Hojan, Beloved Son Unit 5 4 4 4/10 Unrated
Hooru Fledgling Unit 5 3 3 2/10 3/10
Lastlight Refugee Unit 5 3 5 Unrated Unrated
Mithril Mace Relic Weapon 5 3 4 5/10 5/10
Nodoran's Ledger Cursed Relic 5 Unrated Unrated
Silverwing Commander Unit 5 4 4 6/10 7/10
Starkissed Wings Weapon 5 +2 +1 Unrated Unrated
Svetya's Decree Spell 5 Unrated Unrated
Tavrod, Bankroller Unit 5 4 6 Unrated 6/10
The Fall of the Spire Spell 5 Unrated 2/10
Bejeweled Knuckles Relic Weapon 6 6 6 Unrated Unrated
Challenge by Law Spell 6 8/10 Unrated
Crownwatch Captain Unit 6 5 5 Unrated Unrated
Fourth-Tree Elder Unit 6 4 6 5/10 8/10
Heirloom Blade Relic Weapon 6 4 4 Unrated 2/10
Hypnotic Elder Unit 6 2 4 Unrated Unrated
Rolant's Honor Guard Unit 6 5 5 2/10 5/10
Spire Loyalist Unit 6 4 6 Unrated Unrated
Town Watchman Unit 6 3 7 Unrated Unrated
Valkyrie Wings Weapon 6 +2 +4 4/10 6/10
Aurablade Weapon 7 +5 +5 Unrated Unrated
Crown of Authority Relic 7 3/10 Unrated
Gift of Kosul Relic 7 Unrated Unrated
Last Call Spell 7 Unrated Unrated
Rolant, Merciless Unit 7 6 6 Unrated Unrated
Roosting Gryffyn Unit 7 5 4 Unrated Unrated
Runesword Relic Weapon 7 4 4 Unrated Unrated
Save the Day Fast Spell 7 4/10 1/10
Svetya, Dauntless Unit 7 6 6 6/10 8/10
Stormhalt Plating Relic Weapon 8 6 8 1/10 2/10
Savior of the Meek Unit 9 7 7 2/10 2/10
Primal Sigil Power 4/10 3/10
Check-Raise Fast Spell 1 8/10 6/10
Cloudsnake Hatchling Unit 1 1 2 2/10 4/10
Frostpact Sprite Unit 1 1 1 Unrated Unrated
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