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Counter All - Play Your Own Game - Antiaggro

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




It is Time to go Primal for the Justice from the Shadows.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2 2

Power Sources
15 7 7 5 10 3

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 29 12 3

Card Types
19 2 27 0 27


July 3, 2017


Eternal Version
Veteran Mercenary Promo

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Nefariousdolly Eternal Version: 1.21
Went 0-5 with this deck. I tried very hard. But even in the silver ranks which I am currently. It either runs out of answers or I get stuck with a lack/not the right type of power.
ImYourSenpai Eternal Version: 1.21
Hmm. I don't know how exactly you playing with this deck. I currently have a entirely different score, 6-0. When you playing control or counter you must be patient, you must read the moment. Yeah I know, it is hard to play with this deck. But this is the point. I don't want to play something aggrieved like shity deck with easy ways to win. I want something to provide answers. If I may for a paradigm I can say that many times my opponents conceded. So with all this maybe you should play more patiently, and not waste your answers to on e target but multiple targets. Thanks for the comment tho. I really appreciate it. :D
Nefariousdolly Eternal Version: 1.21
Looks interesting. Will test it out tonight. Will give results and additional commentary :-D
ImYourSenpai Edited Eternal Version: 1.21
Oh nice! Thanks for the interest. Ireally appreciate any comments. Wish you have fun. :D