A deck built around various flying payoffs. Peaked at #55.
Something to note about this deck is that it is built around a small number of 'power cards' - I opened
Highsky Lookout,
Strange Sorcerer, and
Uelo, Sky Tactician week 1, and the deck sort of went from there. These cards strongly incentivized me to run units with flying, hence the inclusion of
Entrancer and some of the other weaker flying units. Opening
Daring Gryffyn week 2 gave the deck effectively two extra flying units, which made this much more consistent.
The downside of building around the flying synergies is that the deck looked much worse when they weren't drawn - the average card quality is fairly low, outside the power cards. On the other hand, Strange Sorcerer is an absolutely busted card when it goes off, so it sort of evens out. Back everything up with a few silence effects and removal spells for interaction, and a bit of beef on the topend, and things turned out pretty well.
Fixing felt a bit lacking, but functional - I had two more
Unfamiliar Interlopers that I maybe should have been playing, but I also didn't want my card quality to drop too low (plus I don't really have good payoffs for the extra bodies or Stranger synergies).
Eremot's Machinations didn't pull its weight, unfortunately - I wasn't running enough 1 or 2-drops to get full value consistently. On the other hand,
Feartracker was consistently fantastic, as both a way to stabilize my life total and close out games.