This is a deck that utilizes Brel. Brel is the payoff and can be bonded out as soon as turn 3, which is hard to stop. You need strict influence, that’s why there are cards like Horus Traver who exclusively serves as a support for the combo. In case you’re not familiar with Paladins, the combo is playing turn 2 Anointer into turn 3 Hojan. Hojan gets the weapon, triggering his renown. You then play your 3rd power, buffing him further. You can then bond out any Paladin except Sigvard on turn 3 if you have the right influence. Apart from Brel, there are 5 drops, Reyna, Camoni and Loyalist, all of which make decent turn 3 plays.
My deck may look strange to you, as I like to run one ofs to diversify the play patterns. This should be explained more thoroughly in the reddit post. Thanks for your time, have a great day.
I'll have to come back when I make brels