This deck is centered around Xenan Cultist, utilizing his ability alongside Ephemeral Wisp and Dawnwalker to make giant units that keep coming back from the Void for free. The deck is meant to be a bit slower and grindier, winning through very high-stat creatures eventually breaking their way through.
I've recently just gotten into this game and I'm absolutely loving it so far. After playing a ton my first couple of weeks, I figured it'd be good for me to really start trying to build towards a full deck that I would like to rank up with. But, since I am still new at this game, I don't have much experience with the meta or even all the different aspects of this game.
So, I would love some help! This is what I'm thinking of going towards, but I want to know if this sort of deck is actually worth crafting and if there are any changes that should be made. I would love suggestions to make the deck better, so I'll take them whether they're harsh or nice!