This is my gauntlet deck. It isn't too expensive to build, and you rarely loose before fight seven, only if your starting is total shit. And even then you might have luck and you draw nice other cards. The only thing you have to worry about are decks, that use a lot of cheap removal, and a single
Lightning Storm might destroy your whole board. And even most bosses should not be too hard. I won several times and lost only to the infiltrate Boss because i had no Card cheaper than three on my hand, and only one of them was a creature. He
Permafrosted it.
I hope you will have more luck than me if y're trying it out.
And I even won a ranked game with it.
I'm testing it in Master's, and even when I get wins I'm barely scraping by (barely breaking through a board stall or ekeing out a late game win with only a few health left). AI almost always outvalues my draws and either drops big fliers or heavy defenders to just eat up my attacks.