This is a straight control deck at its core. Despite the odd assortment of cards, it has a very clear control game plan. Stay alive and out card advantage. I'm happy to try out different configurations. Let me know your thoughts and have fun playing the deck!
Stay alive and pad your life with lifesteal and removal. Uses Merchants to grab Dizo's Racket. Grind them out.
Dizo's Racket Combos:
Silver Shortsword = 6 damage + 6 cards
Jadehorn = 3 damage + 3 cards
Auric Runehammer = 0 damage + 1 card + Runehammer + 0 damage for future armor
Merchant =
Razor Lash = 5 damage + 5 cards
Tips and Tricks:
Jadehorn +
Auric Runehammer is a great combo and is incredible with a
Dizo's Racket out.
2. Against aggro, you often wont need to get
Dizo's Racket. Simply trading 1-for-1, gaining life/armor should be enough until
Harsh Rule or
Icaria, First Reaper stabilize.