Thanks to daysundoing for f0x's original list, which we tweaked a bit during stream.
The most major change in terms of gameplay which switches this from a mid/control deck to aggro is swapping Cinder Clutch to the main. I'm becoming increasingly convinced this is an underrated aggro card because each +spell damage grants an extra unit, so using it to ping for even 1-2 early game can cause an opponent to insta-concede. Just look out if you think an opponent might be holding Eremot's Designs.
Edit: As the meta shifted, I wound up trying to go over top of decks more often than under them, so we've included more early removal, Seek, and changed a few market cards for the expected ECQ meta. Good luck!
Also I had to cut the cinder clutches for seek powers. Like there's no way this deck should only be running 25 power with 10 5+ cost dragons and I don't think you can call yourself an aggro instead of a mid range with this curve. The probability of drawing enough power on shiftstoned is really really bad unless you are super lucky with mulligans or something.
Is your 17-3 run recorded somewhere? Interested to see how you're managing with such a greedy power base.
Was fun in a way, but playing only endra decks, or anti-endra decks, was boring fast.