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Final Sealed Pool

Event Deck By

0 Card icon for Helpful Doorbot Helpful Doorbot x1 0 Card icon for Spiked Helm Spiked Helm x1 1 Card icon for Amaran Shoveler Amaran Shoveler x1 1 Card icon for Bloodcall Invocation Bloodcall Invocation x1 1 Card icon for Crownwatch Squire Crownwatch Squire x1 1 Card icon for Grenamender Grenamender x1 1 Card icon for Hearty Stranger Hearty Stranger x1 1 Card icon for Humbug Humbug x1 1 Card icon for Iceberg Frontrunner Iceberg Frontrunner x1 1 Card icon for Lucky Prospector Lucky Prospector x1 1 Card icon for Ornamental Daggers Ornamental Daggers x1 1 Card icon for Pilfer Pilfer x2 1 Card icon for Scrap Hound Scrap Hound x1 1 Card icon for Swear Vengeance Swear Vengeance x1 1 Card icon for Tinker Apprentice Tinker Apprentice x1 1 Card icon for Twilight Hunt Twilight Hunt x1 1 Card icon for Valkyrie Aspirant Valkyrie Aspirant x1 1 Card icon for Weather the Storm Weather the Storm x1 2 Card icon for Accelerate Accelerate x1 2 Card icon for Blinkwolf Blinkwolf x1 2 Card icon for Bring Down Bring Down x1 2 Card icon for Copperhall Herald Copperhall Herald x1 2 Card icon for Fearless Yeti Fearless Yeti x1 2 Card icon for Gorgon Swiftblade Gorgon Swiftblade x1 2 Card icon for Hideout Pistol Hideout Pistol x1 2 Card icon for Hooru Stranger Hooru Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Nocturnal Creeper Nocturnal Creeper x1 2 Card icon for Obsidian Golem Obsidian Golem x1 2 Card icon for Piercing Grief Piercing Grief x1 2 Card icon for Refresh Refresh x1 2 Card icon for Reunite Reunite x1 2 Card icon for Sand Viper Sand Viper x1 2 Card icon for Scaly Gruan Scaly Gruan x1 2 Card icon for Scavenging Vulture Scavenging Vulture x1 2 Card icon for Smith's Hammer Smith's Hammer x3 2 Card icon for Soaring Guard Soaring Guard x1 2 Card icon for Spark Hatcher Spark Hatcher x1 2 Card icon for Synchronized Strike Synchronized Strike x1 2 Card icon for Trail Maker Trail Maker x1 2 Card icon for Twilight Hermit Twilight Hermit x2 2 Card icon for Venomfang Dagger Venomfang Dagger x1 2 Card icon for Wanted Poster Wanted Poster x1 2 Card icon for Xenan Stranger Xenan Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Snowchucker Yeti Snowchucker x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Windflyer Yeti Windflyer x1 3 Card icon for Amaran Camel Amaran Camel x1 3 Card icon for Banish Banish x1 3 Card icon for Copperhall Marshal Copperhall Marshal x2 3 Card icon for Daring Pioneer Daring Pioneer x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Duskcaller Duskcaller x1 3 Card icon for Emerald Acolyte Emerald Acolyte x1 3 Card icon for Feeding Time Feeding Time x1 3 Card icon for Fencing Master Fencing Master x1 3 Card icon for Highbranch Sentry Highbranch Sentry x1 3 Card icon for Hoof Slash Hoof Slash x2 3 Card icon for Ice Sprite Ice Sprite x1 3 Card icon for Icebow Icebow x1 3 Card icon for Inquisitor's Halberd Inquisitor's Halberd x1 3 Card icon for Prickly Grenadin Prickly Grenadin x1 3 Card icon for Scrap Heap Scrap Heap x1 3 Card icon for Seasoned Spelunker Seasoned Spelunker x1 3 Card icon for Serene Excavator Serene Excavator x1 3 Card icon for Showdown Showdown x1 3 Card icon for Silverwing Smith Silverwing Smith x2 3 Card icon for Snowfort Snowfort x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Spur On Spur On x1 3 Card icon for Tandem Watchwing Tandem Watchwing x1 3 Card icon for Treasury Guard Treasury Guard x2 3 Card icon for Valkyrie Cadet Valkyrie Cadet x1 3 Card icon for Valorous Stranger Valorous Stranger x1 3 Card icon for Voracious Fosora Voracious Fosora x1 4 Card icon for Back-Alley Bouncer Back-Alley Bouncer x1 4 Card icon for Camp Physician Camp Physician x1 4 Card icon for Centaur Outrider Centaur Outrider x1 4 Card icon for Cutbrush Cartographer Cutbrush Cartographer x1 4 Card icon for Entrapment Entrapment x1 4 Card icon for Final-Shot Rioter Final-Shot Rioter x1 4 Card icon for Frontier Confessor Frontier Confessor x1 4 Card icon for Hissing Spiketail Hissing Spiketail x1 4 Card icon for Jarrall's Frostkin Jarrall's Frostkin x1 4 Card icon for Lost in the Mist Lost in the Mist x2 4 Card icon for Magma Javelin Magma Javelin x1 4 Card icon for Meditation Trainer Meditation Trainer x1 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Ridgeline Watcher Ridgeline Watcher x1 4 Card icon for Serpent Trainer Serpent Trainer x1 4 Card icon for Slushdumper Slushdumper x1 4 Card icon for Thunderhoof Warrior Thunderhoof Warrior x1 4 Card icon for Vainglory Patrol Vainglory Patrol x1 4 Card icon for Valkyrie Bodyguard Valkyrie Bodyguard x1 4 Card icon for Wandering Forge Wandering Forge x1 4 Card icon for Windshaper Windshaper x1 5 Card icon for Awakened Sentinel Awakened Sentinel x1 5 Card icon for Centaur Raidleader Centaur Raidleader x1 5 Card icon for Duelist's Blade Duelist's Blade x2 5 Card icon for Umbren Coaxer Umbren Coaxer x1 5 Card icon for Workshop Forge Workshop Forge x1 6 Card icon for Barkeep's Friend Barkeep's Friend x1 6 Card icon for Cannonbearer Cannonbearer x1 6 Card icon for Direwood Prowler Direwood Prowler x1 6 Card icon for General Izalio General Izalio x1 6 Card icon for Lumen Shepherd Lumen Shepherd x1 6 Card icon for Tower Shield Tower Shield x1 6 Card icon for Town Watchman Town Watchman x1 6 Card icon for Valkyrie Arcanist Valkyrie Arcanist x1 6 Card icon for Worldpyre Phoenix Worldpyre Phoenix x1 7 Card icon for Ancient Terrazon Ancient Terrazon x1 7 Card icon for Emerald Spear Emerald Spear x1 7 Card icon for Topaz Drake Topaz Drake x1 8 Card icon for Ardent Bravo Ardent Bravo x1 8 Card icon for Belching Behemoth Belching Behemoth x1 9 Card icon for Scourstone Sentinel Scourstone Sentinel x2 9 Card icon for Silverwing Rallier Silverwing Rallier x1 Card icon for Amber Waystone Amber Waystone x1 Card icon for Cobalt Monument Cobalt Monument x1 Card icon for Common Cause Common Cause x1 Card icon for Elysian Banner Elysian Banner x1 Card icon for Granite Waystone Granite Waystone x1 Card icon for Xenan Banner Xenan Banner x1


Cost Curve




1 Ornamental Daggers (Set1 #69)
1 Bring Down (Set2 #217)
1 Copperhall Herald (Set2 #71)
1 Hooru Stranger (Set2 #247)
1 Nocturnal Creeper (Set3 #64)
1 Refresh (Set1 #501)
1 Sand Viper (Set2 #42)
1 Soaring Guard (Set3 #102)
1 Trail Maker (Set3 #65)
1 Copperhall Marshal (Set3 #114)
1 Ice Sprite (Set1 #214)
1 Seasoned Spelunker (Set3 #72)
2 Silverwing Smith (Set3 #119)
1 Tandem Watchwing (Set3 #121)
1 Entrapment (Set3 #116)
1 Frontier Confessor (Set3 #137)
1 Valkyrie Bodyguard (Set3 #135)
1 Windshaper (Set1 #230)
1 Awakened Sentinel (Set2 #57)
2 Duelist's Blade (Set2 #226)
1 Town Watchman (Set3 #145)
1 Valkyrie Arcanist (Set3 #139)
1 Ancient Terrazon (Set1 #119)
7 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
1 Amber Waystone (Set3 #51)
7 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)
3 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)
1 Cobalt Monument (Set1 #418)
1 Elysian Banner (Set1 #421)

Event Information

League - Chapter 17: Enemies at the Gates
April 2-30, 2018
The summer the Clans swept down from the mountains remained fresh in the minds of those who had witnessed the carnage that followed.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 3 2 1 2 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
88 33 10 1

Card Types
85 20 21 0 6


April 24, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

BBCode For Comments

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