I am currently building decks around Master Archivist. IMO, this is presently the best 2-drop in Expedition because it not only trivializes power fixing, it can also grow into a formidably sized unit for the late game. This Praxis deck focuses on playing high value units that payoff in longer games. For removal I include Purify as an answer to Justice (Lystia and Hero of the People) and Liquid Flame for its versatility to either hit one big unit or two small units. Predatory Carnosaur and Longbow can deal with Aegis. Tight-Lipped to help out with our power draws and protect against Shadow (Feed the Hecaton).
Update - After a bit of experimenting I decided to bias the deck toward time. I cut Kid and Deeptrail Vanguard, and added Hexamancer. I feel pretty happy about the deck in its current form and even pulled off a 10-win streak in ranked play with it.
One tip for playing Archivist (not just in this deck, but any deck) is wait until at least turn 3 if you suspect your opponent has any sort of cheap removal. If you play it turn 2 and they kill it before you can utilize Inscribe it generates zero value (and it's a magnet for removal). I feel in this deck it is better to wait until turn 3, so you can immediately take advantage of its power fixing. It's better to use turn 2 to play Tight-Lipped or hold power for market.
Update 2 - Made some very minor tweaks to the deck at the start of this month, fine tuning card counts and adding Sloth to the market. I played the current version of this deck from Gold to Masters with over 80% winrate. It seems to be at an advantage against the Stonescar Hellion decks that many people are playing right now, with Purify in particular being a great way to neutralize Champion of Chaos and Hellion.