Smooth ride to Throne Masters this season with FJS Control. Pretty stock list, the removal suite and number of displays can always be tuned to your local meta. For me, that was a pretty even split between Stonescar, Combrei, Rakano aggro and Elysian Maul. The power base is in a good spot but could still use a little tuning as well. Recently swapped a Crest of Vengeance out for a Crest of Glory because I was missing FFF on 7 frequently enough, and of course I was lacking SS on 4 in my next few games.
The market has felt pretty good, with Regent's Tomb and Suffocate making up 90% of your picks. Malediction was a recent addition, and a meta call for obvious reasons, but cards like Cremate, Makto, Chains are all fair options for different fields.