Just your generic Aggro deck. A few things to note:
On the play always drop oni ronin over any other one drop if you can choose (unless you see a fate animation)
On the draw play according to their possible removal options; none means onion but otherwise drone/yeti are safer.
You are a go-around deck. With the exception of Vadius, your stuff usually will be outsized and you might not have a torch etc. in hand. The call on weither to push aggro or wait can decide games.
Always play a charge champion and always hold an overwhelm champion; the 3 damage charge is worth it even after removal as you lose 1 damage vs waiting for full champion but lose 3 if they don't remove it. Overwhelm champion should be held as long as possible to get charge.
Some amount of scepter should be the new Kalebs persuader probably.
Happy fast wins!
Edit: with the change to palace we no longer need to worry about permafrosts braking every other game. I added rally and went more dedicated aggressive-merchant can't really help us grind anymore.