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7-0 Draft Deck to Break Into Top 50 Masters

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Sick draft deck that rolled over 5 other Master level players en route to a 7-0. Life is easy when you open two bombs of the same color (though they were in the third and fourth pack, respectively). A lot of people don't like them, but the Viper's Bites were really good and in this deck with multiple Renown triggers, a 1/5 Flying, double Fireheart Recruit and several large dudes they simply made a lot of sense.

Noteworthy cards in my sideboard-

1 Scorpion (the last cut- I really wanted to play it)
2 Awaken the Ages (tempting to ramp into one of my good 5 drops but I just couldn't find room and I hate that it's a RANDOM Sigil)
1 Sirocco Elementalist (meh... I think this card is playable but almost always underwhelming. It only makes my bad decks as an in general)
1 Copperhall Porter (I have many better 2 drops and in this case the ability hardly matters. Yes, a Sigil is a Sigil, but Green is my lightest color as it is and I don't ever need double Green so essentially I'm just playing a bad creature, that I can't always even play on turn 2 mind you, that digs up an essentially colorless Sigil when it dies)
1 Siraf's Beacon (I don't see myself as a really fast beatdown deck which is what this card wants and I wanted to play as few Green cards as possible to make my mana base more consistent since I don't have as much fixing as I'd like and I have very powerful cards in White that I need to be able to play reliably when I draw them)
1 Sky Crew (I don't see myself having trouble finishing games- I think my late game is super strong as is- and again I wanted to play as few Green cards as realistically possible for the sake of my mana base)
1 Skycrag Huntsman (The argument can be made that this should have been played over Lazy Firemane. Most of the time if I survive til late game I probably win. I opted for a more aggressive approach and I felt I had solid early game defense already, but I don't hate this swap)
1 Astromancer's Compass (I think this card is pretty underwhelming in general outside of very specific decks. I felt my card quality was high enough to where I didn't need to play this or really have room for it)

The commentary is mostly for myself and my own "putting my thoughts on paper" kind of thing, but if any of this helps anyone else, awesome! :)


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Influence Requirements
1 2 1

Power Sources
7 8 5 1 2

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Deck Rarities
19 6 3 1

Card Types
20 2 5 0 18


March 27, 2019


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