At Any Cost is not in rotation, so we have to build our own. The average game takes about 25 turns, so it's a bit faster than AAC in Throne, but it comes close.
EDIT: Now its even more make your own because you'll need Longbow to deal a billion spell damage.
I really enjoy the deck. However, I think it would need further adjustments beyond what I have already done to make it to Master top 10.
Also this deck can run out of gas because you don't put pressure on opponents if you don't get an early Rift's Edge. It sounds ridiculous to say that you run out of gas when you have this much card draw & True-Sight Map, but you do.
Not sure I like Rain of Frogs in the deck. It doesn't really help game state. Poison the Well, I have a love/hate relationship with. Early game it's hard to use unless you are facing aggro or recruit. You end up being in a situation where you are choosing between defending against a threat being added to the board or advancing your own position. That said, if you are up against aggro or recruit, it can literally be your best friend.
True-Site Map is 100% a late game card. Playing it early gets you nothing as it is too power intensive. In fact when I get it in my hand early, I am irritated. Rift's Edge is a card that is always painful to play early, but if you don't play it as soon as possible, you will regret it. You need the force multiplier later in the game.
This might be the 1st deck I have played where I am not a fan of Mirrorscale in the market. You will almost never get spells duplicated. It almost always ends up just fetching a relic. I feel like there are better cards for that.
Turnabout... I understand why it's in there. However it has almost never mattered. With only playing 3 Wilderness Delivery, you don't get it often enough for it to matter against aggro. There needs to be another option to cater against the decks weaknesses.
As for Poison the Well, I have an issue removing it. It helps a lot vs aggro and Recruit. Do I think it's the best choice? Probably not. However, I don't know what's better.
The problem is that the deck is VERY power intensive. The only time that you aren't using almost all your power every single turn is if you have run out of gas. You also every single turn have cards you want to play, but can't because of how power intensive the deck is.