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expedition Ixtol's Raise

Expedition Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




My attempt to create the deck on "Ixtol's Pendant ". I apologize for possibly illiterate English - it's all Google translate. :)
The basic idea is that we cast our creatures as if their cost hasn 't changed, but increasing the power gives us more opportunities to activate our abilities.
A little dectech and thinking out loud:
Calibrate - allows us to find the sigil or the relic itself. No comments :)
Ageless Mentor - since our creatures will become more expensive, this card buffs just the entire hand.
Amber Acolyte - sigil's!
Ramba, Arena Showman - being played on the 3rd turn, the next turns can give us an additional card to play from the topdeck.
Seasoned Spelunker - on the third turn is already a 5/5 creature and gives you the opportunity to get additional power.
Waystone Gate - we have a lot of energy and we can implement it to activate its ultimate ability and get additional sigils in the hand.
Gentle Grazer - with a chance of 50% plays our main relic. A very useful card in case you didn't get a relic on your starting hand.
Raging Firemaw- is our main victory card. Being played on the fourth move, it can then clean the table or deal damage to the face. Also being a strengthened "Ageless mentor" gives a nice bonus in the form of increased damage.
Woda, Grodov's Listener - By itself, it gives a small bonus in the form of a card advantage. It is also easy to strengthen due to the large number of powers available to us and can repeat its Invoke on the next turn after playing from the hand.
Xenan Guardian - It is played in the game on the 4th move, it grows on the next one .
Grodov's Burden - exalted for our creatures and more draw.
Nahid's Distillation - The most questionable part in this deck. We can 't play more than one card per turn. But this is a pretty good for taking additional cards

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
15 18 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
16 20 8 14

Card Types
32 10 8 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]


March 3, 2020


Eternal Version
Echoes of Eternity

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



torchic44 Eternal Version: 1.50.8
I really like the deck. I tried the deck myself and it works only if your opponent doesn't do anything to interact with it (which is the problem, this deck doesn't have any removal outside of the Raging Firemaw). So I would say cut the Grazers for Sear and/or Purify to give you some removal.