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Chapter 25 Week 4 League Pool

Event Deck By

0 Card icon for Harmless Question Harmless Question x1 0 Card icon for Steely Resolve Steely Resolve x1 0 Card icon for Unearth the Past Unearth the Past x1 1 Card icon for Be Gone Be Gone x1 1 Card icon for Cabal Scavenger Cabal Scavenger x1 1 Card icon for Curfew Enforcement Curfew Enforcement x1 1 Card icon for Detain Detain x1 1 Card icon for Drifter Drifter x2 1 Card icon for Fallen Oni Fallen Oni x1 1 Card icon for Gift of Battle Gift of Battle x1 1 Card icon for Jennev Cargo Jennev Cargo x1 1 Card icon for Jibbering Jackal Jibbering Jackal x1 1 Card icon for Longbarrel Longbarrel x1 1 Card icon for Meditation Meditation x1 1 Card icon for Minotaur Oathkeeper Minotaur Oathkeeper x1 1 Card icon for Peacekeeper's Helm Peacekeeper's Helm x1 1 Card icon for Pitfall Trap Pitfall Trap x1 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x1 1 Card icon for Sabotage Sabotage x1 1 Card icon for Scrap Hound Scrap Hound x1 1 Card icon for Seek Power Seek Power x1 1 Card icon for Sharpened Reflex Sharpened Reflex x1 1 Card icon for Spire Spellsword Spire Spellsword x1 1 Card icon for Spitefeeder Spitefeeder x1 1 Card icon for Trusty Revolver Trusty Revolver x1 1 Card icon for Yeti Spy Yeti Spy x1 2 Card icon for Annihilate Annihilate x1 2 Card icon for Arcane Defense Arcane Defense x2 2 Card icon for Argenport Soldier Argenport Soldier x1 2 Card icon for Awakened Student Awakened Student x1 2 Card icon for Backlash Backlash x1 2 Card icon for Battlefield Scavenger Battlefield Scavenger x1 2 Card icon for Bazaar Trickster Bazaar Trickster x1 2 Card icon for Bear Arms Bear Arms x1 2 Card icon for Blinkwolf Blinkwolf x1 2 Card icon for Bring Down Bring Down x1 2 Card icon for Changeestik Changeestik x1 2 Card icon for Coalscrounger Coalscrounger x1 2 Card icon for Conflagrate Conflagrate x2 2 Card icon for Cryptic Etchings Cryptic Etchings x1 2 Card icon for Desert Marshal Desert Marshal x1 2 Card icon for Devour Devour x1 2 Card icon for Dusk Raider Dusk Raider x1 2 Card icon for Flamefang Charmer Flamefang Charmer x1 2 Card icon for Flashy Duelist Flashy Duelist x1 2 Card icon for Grenarender Grenarender x1 2 Card icon for Honeypot Honeypot x1 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x1 2 Card icon for Huddle Together Huddle Together x2 2 Card icon for Kerendon Steward Kerendon Steward x1 2 Card icon for Kosul Huntsman Kosul Huntsman x1 2 Card icon for Learned Herbalist Learned Herbalist x1 2 Card icon for Locust Locust x1 2 Card icon for Master-at-Arms Master-at-Arms x1 2 Card icon for Mob Rule Mob Rule x1 2 Card icon for Obsidian Golem Obsidian Golem x1 2 Card icon for Oni Forgemaster Oni Forgemaster x1 2 Card icon for Piercing Shot Piercing Shot x1 2 Card icon for Plunder Plunder x1 2 Card icon for Privilege of Rank Privilege of Rank x1 2 Card icon for Rampage Rampage x2 2 Card icon for Ruination Sledge Ruination Sledge x1 2 Card icon for Scaly Gruan Scaly Gruan x1 2 Card icon for Second Sight Second Sight x1 2 Card icon for Skycrag Stranger Skycrag Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Trail Maker Trail Maker x1 2 Card icon for Wanted Poster Wanted Poster x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Windflyer Yeti Windflyer x1 3 Card icon for Advance Scout Advance Scout x1 3 Card icon for Amaran Camel Amaran Camel x1 3 Card icon for Amethyst Acolyte Amethyst Acolyte x1 3 Card icon for Auric Record Keeper Auric Record Keeper x1 3 Card icon for Brightmace Paladin Brightmace Paladin x1 3 Card icon for Crownwatch Deserter Crownwatch Deserter x1 3 Card icon for Crunch, the Hoarder Crunch, the Hoarder x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Fledgling Avisaur Fledgling Avisaur x1 3 Card icon for Flickerling Flickerling x1 3 Card icon for Gilded Flames Gilded Flames x1 3 Card icon for Gravetender Gravetender x1 3 Card icon for Grenade Grenade x1 3 Card icon for Grit Grit x2 3 Card icon for Highbranch Sentry Highbranch Sentry x1 3 Card icon for Initiation Bell Initiation Bell x1 3 Card icon for Iron Hook Iron Hook x1 3 Card icon for Kosul Recruit Kosul Recruit x2 3 Card icon for Lazy Firemane Lazy Firemane x1 3 Card icon for Lethrai Memory-Keeper Lethrai Memory-Keeper x1 3 Card icon for Mirror Image Mirror Image x1 3 Card icon for Prickly Grenadin Prickly Grenadin x1 3 Card icon for Recurring Nightmare Recurring Nightmare x1 3 Card icon for Replicator Engine Replicator Engine x1 3 Card icon for Saddle Up Saddle Up x3 3 Card icon for Silverwing Familiar Silverwing Familiar x1 3 Card icon for Sirocco Elementalist Sirocco Elementalist x3 3 Card icon for Spiteful Lumen Spiteful Lumen x1 3 Card icon for Steel-Eyed Pistoleer Steel-Eyed Pistoleer x1 3 Card icon for Stormcrasher Stormcrasher x1 3 Card icon for Tireless Stranger Tireless Stranger x1 3 Card icon for Trigger-Happy Trigger-Happy x1 3 Card icon for Tundra Explorer Tundra Explorer x1 3 Card icon for Unfinished Business Unfinished Business x1 4 Card icon for Betray the Cause Betray the Cause x1 4 Card icon for Clan Wallbreaker Clan Wallbreaker x2 4 Card icon for Copperhall Recruit Copperhall Recruit x1 4 Card icon for Corrupted Umbren Corrupted Umbren x1 4 Card icon for Court Mage Court Mage x1 4 Card icon for Entrapment Entrapment x1 4 Card icon for Gravemarker Oni Gravemarker Oni x1 4 Card icon for Ground Crew Ground Crew x1 4 Card icon for Hellfire Oni Hellfire Oni x1 4 Card icon for Horned Vorlunk Horned Vorlunk x1 4 Card icon for Icicle Marksman Icicle Marksman x1 4 Card icon for Ironclad Oath Ironclad Oath x1 4 Card icon for Lumen Attendant Lumen Attendant x1 4 Card icon for Maddening Whisper Maddening Whisper x1 4 Card icon for Mass Entomancy Mass Entomancy x1 4 Card icon for Monolith Guardian Monolith Guardian x1 4 Card icon for Navani, Warsinger Navani, Warsinger x1 4 Card icon for Nocturnal Kyrex Nocturnal Kyrex x1 4 Card icon for Outlands Brute Outlands Brute x1 4 Card icon for Outlands Sniper Outlands Sniper x1 4 Card icon for Primeval Plover Primeval Plover x2 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Renegade Valkyrie Renegade Valkyrie x1 4 Card icon for Ridgeline Watcher Ridgeline Watcher x1 4 Card icon for Streetwise Informant Streetwise Informant x1 4 Card icon for Surveilor Surveilor x1 4 Card icon for Transmogrifier Transmogrifier x2 4 Card icon for Vile Varmint Vile Varmint x1 5 Card icon for Cliffside Caretaker Cliffside Caretaker x2 5 Card icon for Dustblind Dustblind x1 5 Card icon for Eye for an Eye Eye for an Eye x2 5 Card icon for Fiery Fissure Fiery Fissure x1 5 Card icon for Gleaming Shield Gleaming Shield x2 5 Card icon for Lethrai Bladewhirl Lethrai Bladewhirl x1 5 Card icon for Mithril Mace Mithril Mace x1 5 Card icon for Staff of the Archmagister Staff of the Archmagister x1 5 Card icon for Stampede Driver Stampede Driver x1 5 Card icon for Triggerman Triggerman x1 5 Card icon for Umbren Coaxer Umbren Coaxer x1 5 Card icon for Warband Chieftain Warband Chieftain x1 5 Card icon for Waystone Infuser Waystone Infuser x1 5 Card icon for Wildfire Censari Wildfire Censari x1 6 Card icon for Blistersting Claws Blistersting Claws x1 6 Card icon for Cirso's Meddling Cirso's Meddling x2 6 Card icon for Civic Peacekeeper Civic Peacekeeper x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Shamanic Blast Shamanic Blast x1 6 Card icon for Silverwing Purgeleader Silverwing Purgeleader x1 6 Card icon for Slimespitter Slug Slimespitter Slug x1 6 Card icon for Worldpyre Phoenix Worldpyre Phoenix x1 7 Card icon for Silverwing Augmentor Silverwing Augmentor x1 7 Card icon for Siraf's Choice Siraf's Choice x1 7 Card icon for Starved Vorlunk Starved Vorlunk x1 8 Card icon for Ardent Bravo Ardent Bravo x1 8 Card icon for Belching Behemoth Belching Behemoth x1 8 Card icon for Improvised Club Improvised Club x1 8 Card icon for Surveying Mantasaur Surveying Mantasaur x1 8 Card icon for Valkyrie Linebreaker Valkyrie Linebreaker x1 Card icon for Praxis Banner Praxis Banner x1 Card icon for Token of Knowledge Token of Knowledge x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 25: Defiance
December 1-31, 2018
A cold wind blows from distant Kosul, carrying the scent of smoke and blood. Defiance is in the air…


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 3

Power Sources
1 2 1 1 2

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
120 45 14 1

Card Types
104 19 55 0 2


January 27, 2019

December 23, 2018


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) December 27, 2018



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